Tafe Q's (1 Viewer)


Sep 15, 2004
The Milky Way
are there any mid year entry for tafe courses, or short courses that lead into pathways for university..just curious. thanx


An iron homily
Nov 28, 2004
Well for most non HSC courses and non TAFE PLUS courses(which give no formal qualifications), enrollment is semester based, though there are definitely exceptions to this rule. For those courses that do require you to send an application instead of just going up to a campus then I think you are too late, however I think OTEN(correspondence TAFE) might, your best shot though would be to scope out your local campus and ask if they cant make an arrangement as TAFE is very flexible or have a look at the OTEN website. www.oten.edu.au
as for courses that can get you entry into uni...
1. Pathways - going through your hsc courses over a longer period of time, may or may not include repeating. This may allow you to increase your UAI.
2. Diplomas & Cert IVs - if you complete one of these courses, which are mainly offered by Tafe though can be taken at many private institutions, you are eligible for entry to an undergrad degree as a non school leaver and they will use your gpa as an entrance score(look in the transfer threads in the uni subforum for more detail), or alternatively if you already have a UAI, they will take the average of these two scores. It should be noted that not all universities accept Certificate IV as basis for entry. You may also recieve advanced standing or credit towards your degree. Several unis also run colleges that have diploma programs(mac and uws do) which allow you to move directly into second year of your bachelor.
3. Non-award study - you take university subjects voluntarily and independent of a degree, once you complete a certain amount you can compete for a place in an undergraduate degree.
4.OLA- a correspondence university that is made up of an alliance between macquarie, griffith, curtin, and some other unis, where you may enroll for a degree without any previous qualifications, however the courses do I believe run for three semesters a year, and there is no HECS funding, *you* must pay for it all.
5.TPC - this is a Certificate designed by Tafe to perform a similar purpose as the HSC, where your subjects will be scaled and you will recieve a TES(tertiary entrance statement) rather than a UAI, instead of end of year exams that the HSC requires, you instead submit portfolios as your end of semester tests for all subjects excluding maths. The cutoffs are also slightly higher for a TPC student, I think.
6. Uni preparation programs - most unis run preparation programs for students much like the TPC, however the majority only accept mature age or international students, though some do accept students outside of the mature age limit.
7.Transferring- get accepted into a bachelor degree that has lower UAI, get as high a GPA as you can, and then on you go. (*Heaps* more on this in the transfer section in the uni forums, so I wont bother regurgitating it.)
8. STAT/RET - Uws uses this for entry, and I believe mature age students may use just the normal STAT for entry to most degrees at most unis(I dont think its for law or medicine though, not sure)
9. The LPAB- just for you legal kiddies, there is a Diploma that may be taken that gives you basically the same legal qualifications as someone who undergoes the Bachelor of Laws, but it requires no qualifications, is a part time program, and will allow entry into a Masters of Laws.
Of the 3 options available at TAFE to faccilitate university entry, it is too late in the year to pick up the HSC, the TPC is run over 2 semesters, and a Certificate 4 or Diploma will depend on whether you have completed any previous vocational study or whether your HSC subjects have credit transfer with these courses, though I believe in normal circumstances these courses would also take 2 semesters to complete.
Here is a link which details HSC to TAFE credit transfer to see if you are eligible for advanced standing in a course :https://www.det.nsw.edu.au/hsctafe/new/index.htm

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