
New Member
Aug 28, 2020
Due to personal situation, I am a year 12 student and really consider repeating both year 11 and 12 again, because I have been missing most of my year 11 work due to issues at home and school just doesn't for me anymore, it is just so overwhelming. However, I still want to get an Atar and go to Uni, but for the moment, I reckon I will get less than 50 for my atar. I know that I am capable for more than that! I was first in both year 9 and 10. But because of.... okay I say it.... domestic violence with my step father, it is really messing up my year 11 and year 12. Now that all that settled, I think I am way to behind school work and got so many N awards for all my course and zeros. The school do know about my situation but there is not much they can do, except for the special consideration that get my 2 marks extra... but still, I prefer to repeat since I know that I am capable of so much more. But I already messed up this year so bad that I don't want to go to school anymore, it is so traumatic after everything that happened. But even repearting year 12 is not enough for me, but then I heard about Tafe Digital and that I can complete year 11 and 12 online at my own pace. I think this is a great alternative for me since I dont have any friendship at my new school that I spent all my year 11 and 12 at, and I dont really care about that. but apparently, my school just loves giving group assessments and I always have to do group assessment by myself where other shared the work load to 4 or 5 students, while I had to carry them on my owm, apparently no one wants to a newbie to be part of their group, and the teachers don't give a care about that so yah there's that. On the other hand, TAfe Digital and their HSC Studies course is quite appealing to me, it seems quite individual and I love that. And also I can do my study at my own pace also, so I wonder if anyone has done this HSC studies with Tafe Digital ? or know anyone that had and can share their experience to me. I really appreciate it! Many thanks!
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Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
Hey, I'm really sorry to hear that you have to go through all this. I haven't done this program or know anyone that did this specific program but I do know a person that completed year 12 via TAFE. Their experience was not much different to school. They mentioned that TAFE is a bit more relaxed and does not cause as much stress as the regular school environment may. I think this may be a good indicator for someone like yourself who is looking to get away from all the negative things that have shaped your school experience.

I also wanted to wish you all the best if you end up choosing this path and would like to encourage you to seek assistance on this website if needed :D

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