"The Last of the Red Hat Mamas", a Simpsons Episode (1 Viewer)


Cult of Personality
Sep 19, 2009
No idea, I was just watching it and... it seems good.

The Last of the Red Hat Mamas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Marge goes on a tour of the mansion, led by Quimby's estranged wife, Martha Quimby, but things quickly go downhill when the fight spills into Quimby's office. Marge is embarrassed by Homer's childish actions, and her friends determine she is bad news and shun her.

At home, Marge tells Homer exactly how she feels, leading Homer to try to make amends by trying to find some new friends for Marge. He goes to the supermarket to find one, but fails by behaving too much like a stalker.

Where Homer fails, Marge succeeds. At a restaurant, she meets up with members of the Cheery Red Tomatoes. She quickly impresses the group's leader, Tammy, and - after participating in a few low-key meetings - is soon invited to become a member of the women's group.

However, when it comes time for the initiation, Tammy asks Marge to assist in their efforts to break into Burns' mansion to steal $1 million in Fabergé eggs. They explain they are a group that raises funds for charity, and that Burns once promised them that amount to donate to a children's hospital; however, at a press conference, the selfish millionaire announced he plans to keep the money for himself (to undergo a procedure that will extend his life by 10 minutes). Marge tells the Cheery Red Tomatoes members she cannot go ahead with the burglary, however bad of a person Burns is, but when told her membership rides on her participation, she decides to cast her morals aside and proceed with the burglary.

Marge is able to sneak onto Burns's grounds through an air duct and unlock a gate; from there, the women crack open the safe and begin helping themselves to the Fabergé eggs that sit inside.

As the women are leaving, Chief Wiggum and Burns arrive at the mansion to arrest the women. Homer arrives to stop Marge from doing something she'll regret, but finds himself a prime suspect in the heist. However, once everything is explained, Marge realizes she does not need the group to make friends; after all, she already has one very special friend - Homer. Marge does, however, give the group the Fabergé egg she took.
I don't know, this is my first HSC - you think it'll work?


real human bean
Nov 17, 2007
Yes. It would work. I did a Simpsons episode for Extension, and did quite well. There are other episodes you could look at too. The one where Homer joins the Stonecutters is a great related text.


Cult of Personality
Sep 19, 2009
Woah, awesome! I reckon it'd get HUGE bonus points during the 8 minute speech we have to do on Belonging... while everyone else is talking about movies no one has watched, I can grasp the audience's interest just by talking about the Simpsons!

Wow. My mind is blown. Thanks absolutezero!

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