Generally speaking, an Honours year is the first significant research endeavour that university students undertake. The vast majority of units at undergraduate level assess students using standard assignments and exams. However, depending on the discipline and the university, there may be specific units that involve a greater focus on research than traditional undergraduate units. For example, the assignments may be more research-oriented than those found in other units. There may also be units that assist in preparing for an Honours year. Such units typically feature a greater emphasis on research than the average undergraduate unit and can provide you with an opportunity to engage in research to an extent.
Another way through which you could potentially experience this is by working as a research assistant at the university (in your case, UTS). In the context of a university, a research assistant is a person who is responsible for assisting an academic(s)/researcher(s) with particular aspects of their research. Because the concept of research is broad, it means that a research assistant may engage in assisting with projects involving different research designs/methods (at the fundamental level, this would be quantitative and/or qualitative research).
Of course, it would be a good idea to contact UTS to confirm some of these aspects and seek further details when the time comes.
I hope this helps!