Which is more reputable in terms of studying International Business..
MQ has a bachelor degree mainly for International Business..
UNSW has commerce majoring in Int Bus.
UTS has Business in Int. Bus.
USYD has its commerce with Int. Bus.
What would be the best choice amongst these... Which is more prestigious...
out of the travelling degree's MQ has BBA (International Studies) and UTS has Business/ Arts in International Studies... Are these considered a International Business degree???
Much help would be appreciated..
MQ has a bachelor degree mainly for International Business..
UNSW has commerce majoring in Int Bus.
UTS has Business in Int. Bus.
USYD has its commerce with Int. Bus.
What would be the best choice amongst these... Which is more prestigious...
out of the travelling degree's MQ has BBA (International Studies) and UTS has Business/ Arts in International Studies... Are these considered a International Business degree???
Much help would be appreciated..