Don't get me wrong. That was not a rant.
To be for or against VSU would depend very much on a personal experience of your student union and if that experience results in a negative or positive outlook on their services.
In my own opinion, I think restricting the budget of the union (because thats basically what its going to do - make it a variable amount that fluctuates depending on how many people wish to pay the fees) will make the services vary from year to year. Which services should stay should be the subsidised food prices in the union building. Cheap food and drink is what every uni student aspires to be able to afford. The other only service I believe should be kept is the student mag. Although it continually amounts to a student arse wipe-standard of literary value - the fact that it exists is symbolic of the potential for students to communicate with other students whom they would not ordinarily be able to do - due to detachment of departments etc etc etc.
It is absolutely stupid to talk about how it will change things because the amount of money, and how much room they have to play with it, will vary from year to year. This means that some services will be around one year, and then the next, it wont... and then 5 down the track... it will appear again because they can afford it.
Therefore, the most useful thing to discuss is HOW the money they DO get should be spent. Thus, we must analyse the most important things now that the money is being spent on and there are a lot of things that the ANU union spend money on that they shouldnt.
For example. At the start of the year they put stacks of dosh into some little shitty booklet full of stuff like info on resturants, shops, and bla bla stuff on canberra and stuff. The shiny little book which they call the survival guide is something i threw in the bin very quickly.
It would have cost a lot to produce about 10000 of them and for them to only be read once.
This information could have been put in continual issues of the student mag and therefore saved thousands of OUR money that we pay them...
that is just one example and if you think its a rant then sorry.