A log is basically the reverse of an exponent, or a power.
When you have some equations, you may end up with an equation of the form
ax = b, where a and b are arbitrary numbers, and x is the pronumeral we need to solve for.
You can obviously see, that if b cannot be expressed as a power of a, then it is very difficult to solve. Logs help with this.
If an exponent can be written b = ax then the log is written:
x = logab; where x is called the exponent, and a is called the base.
Then, we can use a set of derived 'log laws' to help us solve for x.
Using the index laws (which you would have probably learnt in year 10), such as ax + y = ax * ay, and (ax)y = axy, we can work out that
loga(xy) = logax + logay
logxy = ylogax
loga(x/y) = logax - logay
Another important one is the change of base law, which states that logax = (logbx)/(logba); where b can be any number, but we normally choose 10 or e (euler's number) as these are the logs available to us on our calculator.
Finally, you asked how logs disappear. Well, noticing that a log, and exponent of the same base are the opposite of each other they should cancel out. So:
alogax = x
and logb by = y logbb = y