Here is some onfo on the STAT from some websites I have saved in my favourites:
STAT is the Special Tertiary Admissions Test that allows people who did not complete Year 12, or performed poorly in that exam or other studies, to sit a special exam and still qualify for admission.
STAT Multiple Choice
Is a two hour test with ten minutes reading time consisting of seventy multiple choice questions.
Is a combination of verbal and quantitative questions.
Candidates are required to read and interpret graphical displays of information and passages of writing, to use mathematical relationships and to apply reasoning to tables of data.
STAT Written English
Is a one hour test with five minutes reading time consisting of two short essays.
Is designed to assess a candidate's ability to organise and express their thoughts in a logical and effective way.
Sample questions:
To get you started -
Just go to to google type search through Aust site type in exact
STAT AND "sample questions"
Hope this helps some.