Hey there!
I just wanted to know..
what is your day like as a HSC student (on a normal school day)?
Do you study or have tutoring?
How do you use your time effectively after school?
Mondays and Thursdays
get home at 4 and study until 6, have a break until 7, do another hour of study until 8, eat dinner, then study until 9:15ish and watch a tv show or 2 and fall asleep around 10:15
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Friday
Go to basketball training or rehearsals for musical until 6, study until 8, eat dinner, study until 9:30ish, watch tv show or 2, fall asleep around 10:15
Get home a bit before 4pm.
4-5pm: chillax, eat, shower, Facebook, YouTube etc.
Then after that I'll summarise my notes I've written that day.
Then I'll try to do any homework from that day or assignments.
Chuck in dinner, another 1/2-1 hour of chilling on the internet and all that other jazz.
Most days it's get home from school, rest for 10 minutes, study for an hour or so (or until hungry lol), eat, TV, more study, sleep at 11ish.
Days I have soccer practice: school, get ready for soccer, soccer practice, half an hour rest, homework, sleep
Days I have tutoring go somewhat like this: school, tutoring, TV (half an hour), sleep - omg so much exhaustion
And Sundays are my lazy days so I study for about 6 hours-ish