Which British Ruler.. (1 Viewer)


super disco breakin'
Aug 28, 2004
Which British ruler would the following text be referring to? :S
This is for a transformation I am doing for Ext. English..

"He has incompletely approved communally beneficial obligatory customary codifications.

He has negatively assented to the mandate of arbitrarily imposed councilors and has been dilatorially active in the de-imposition of his veto.

He has convened inconvenient assemblies, location-wise, with consequent energy depletionary affects upon attendees.

He has destabilized democratic assemblies for negatively synergizing with his socio-oppressional tendencies.

He has adversely encouraged the integration of non-indigenous populations into the community.

He has counter-improved the concept of democratic accountability by the non-appointment of factual assessors.

He has established dictatorial and fiduciary precedence over factual assessors.

He has created non-beneficial bureaucracies.

We have been given a non-consensual allocation of security measures.

A martial disciplinary system has been superimposed over the democratic institution.

He has introduced involuntary non-traditional practices and enacted ethically dysfunctional ordinances:

For the heterogeneous distribution of ordinance-empowered military personnel.

For excusing their neighborly acts, such as the terminal inconvenience of community members;

For contributing towards unsynchronic financial relationships with the global market;

For requesting non-discretionary financial contributions;

For negatively empowering our community leaders to arbitrate on factual matters;

For situationally transposing jurisprudence;

For encouraging non-compliance with traditional practice and promoting acquiescence to new legislative paradigms;

For instituting alternative systems of macro management;

For assuming an unrequested executive hegemony;

He has taken us into protective custody with the declared intention of freeing us from our previous oppressors and re-building our economy which has been destroyed, for our own good, by his just and surgical strikes;

He has exploited the natural wildlife of our oceans, disturbed our coastal ecology, inflicted collateral damage on our cities and offended against our human rights."

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