working out marks (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jun 19, 2006
hey everyone im not really sure about how the hsc mark is made form, i have a slight understanding from reading hundreds of post here but i thought it was time i post to finally get what is going with my marks.

i have been lazy throughout this year and have manged to get scores of

65 for economics 14/26
80 for general maths 20/160
45 for english 50/120
65 for business studies 30/70
60 pdhpe 23/35

now these marks and ranks are pretty poor, but my question is that with only the hsc exam to go (im doing the trial now and dont expect the marks to increase or decrease by much), would i still be able to pull myself back into a position where i can get a uai of 65

im not sure how the hsc exam is marked, from what i know is your school mark and hsc mark put togeher eg. business 30/50 + 40/50, or is it abit different, i know it gets changed depending on wheter my school goes good or not and i have a feeling my school will go good espicially in econnomics where i have been told almost everyone will get higher than 70 in their mark which is pleasing.

could someone please give me some insight into how it works, cause i really want to know wheter im wasting my time studying for the hsc exam when i wont be able to get my desired target of a uai of 65, also ive heard rumours that hsc exam affects your rankings this is somthing i think is wrong but i tought id bring it up cause i might be wrong about that aswell

thanks in advance to anyone who replies to this post (hopefully someone replies)
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Premium Member
Aug 18, 2002
Stanford, CA
You will never be "wasting your time" studying for the HSC as you will always have a chance to get the desired UAI.

Your performance in the Hsc Exam accounts for 50% of your final HSC mark. So, if you do well in your exams then your UAI will be improved significantly.

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