i will suspend my disbelief for a second and say this:
God is our father and he's nowhere to be found. People like me have no objection to accept him and love him, but we require more proof, more care than spontaneous believers. The arguments that we are not open to him or that we have to find him or we must take advantage of our free will are bullshit.
Good parents take care of their children. If a child can't find his parents because he's half blind they won't tell him to look harder. They will tell him "over here!"
In a nutshell, if God is sad that I'm an atheist and loves me as much as Christians say he does, why isn't he ringing my dorrbell right now?
Because it'd be really really easy for him to make me believe you know, if he just came down to Earth and popped over to my house, offered me brownies and then talked to me about various interesting things I've always wanted to know, showed me cool stuff and was a generally cool dude, I would certainly love him.
If he explained to me exactly why heaven and hell exist and what the criteria are and if he listened to my objections in a way that made me feel like he cared about my opinion, I would love him even more.
But as it stands, God is nowhere to be seen and nowhere to be heard.
Some of his followers tell me that I will go to hell, which I hear is a terrible place. Oh, and I deserve it. Whatever am I supposed to do?