Re: 2009 First Year Macquarie Students.

asylum still hasnt provided any reasons for that very random-ish picture of a guy holding a bag of what seems to be popcorn...
Spot on!popcorn -> he sits back and watches this thread roll for entertainment (should be that)
Haha, you do realise that an IntComm degree has like 3 extra subjects on top of a normal media degree, and that their 'scope' is hardly worth writing home about? Not that I want to put you off it, just wanted to make sure you were aware of that (I was thinking of turning my media degree into an IntComm too, then realised that, and was like...why bother?!)anyways i'm jeff, doing international communications, decided to do it instead of media, made the right decision imo, even though its been 7 weeks.
I've always had respect for anyone who can put their body in front of the rockets that come from just out of the box. Personally I prefer to kick it at goaliesI play's the best position out.
I also play defence but the goal box is my home. I feel lost if I'm not there![]()