You're not very good at this whole Internet thing are you
C10124 Bachelor of Laws : UTS Faculty of Law
LOL. priceless.
yes, uts does offer straight law. why arent you happy with combined? i mean surely there is one combination you would enjoy? after all, it only adds an extra year.
im currently doing com/law at usyd. do i regret choosing com? yes. i chose it on the basis of job prospects.
big mistake.
they are 100% right when they say choose based on interest for your other half of the degree. cause you end up enjoying uni so much more.
where are you atm? i was first year business/law at com/law at usyd..i wouldnt go back to uts even if i got a scholarship there.
the fact is: usyd is the most competitive, prestigious university. the calibre of graduates is MUCH higher than any other university. your cohort are all students in the 97+ uai range, or have transferred in with a d avg (and 97+) (even students who got in on an equity basis have high 97+ uais). uts on the other hand, has students doing combined law with uai's of 87..89..etc. these are the students who got in via equity programs.
studying at university with people of high calibre drives you to push yourself.