As a 32 year old woman, i'd like to add my 2 cents:
As a high school student, the "bad boy" was usually the most popular.. therefore usually the better catch... He was always cute, with a don't care attitude that made most of us girls swoon...
Now reflecting on that, and knowing what he's actually doing with his life now (he has a beer gut, definitely not as cute as he was and has a job in retail) it was a poor choice... the bad boys are usually the ones who end up with the deadend jobs and quite frankly end up as losers..
It's not very often that you end up eternally happy with someone you meet in high school anyway (it does happen, but is very very rare)... I'm now with a nice guy who treats me well. I'm getting married next year, and he's fully supportive of my decision to go to uni as a mature age student next year.
So don't worry too much about these younger years.. There is plenty of time to meet Miss/Mr Right in your life. Work on yourself, set your own goals and life objectives, and in time the right person will find you