Premium Member
HAHAHA, i know about Norwest, my SSM was joking about it to everybody when she went there to give an award on safety (our store has 2138 days LTI free and counting, and they had like 3).Hi mate, The reason why we do this is to not just protect you but to protect our business as well.
If you have an existing 'injury', then return to work and it is aggravated it is then considered to be a work related injury/workers compensation.
A return to work certificate is required to show that your current injury/operation allows you to return to full duties and is not going to hinder you working.
Stay safe. Remember, Destination Zero(Talking about injuries, Norwest has a massive injury rate compared to the rest of the business. The amount of people falling down the stairs is just crazy).
Also, for those in Area 85, does anybody else find it absolutely stupid that internall they're calling the new store out near head office Norbrik, but advertising it to customers as Norwest. so now they're bitching to us that we keep giving them the wrong number for the store (because we're giving them the Norwest supermarket number not Norbrik)