You probably shouldn't have said that.
I had a small 'argument' with my friend over this topic yest.
J :aren't you all just so full of compliments
(10:00 PM) A: sorry

(10:01 PM) J: everything about me is ' weird'
(10:01 PM) A: its a good thing though
(10:01 PM) J:
no it's not
"how do I look guys?"
"how do I act?"
(10:01 PM) J: "describe me in one word"
(10:02 PM) A: BUT I dont mean it in a negative way
(10:03 PM) J: a word is a word
(10:03 PM) J: it has its connotations, weird is not really a good one...
I'm just always the weird one

(10:04 PM) J: I'm so sick of it
(10:05 PM) A: awe *my name* dont be so negative...being weird means different to other humans and thas a good thing the way i see it.
(10:05 PM) J: no.
I swear I don't get why...