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He was talking about the British Mandate, Nebs. The Egyptians have no relevance in his argument, so no, you're wrong. His argument is both factually and theoretically incorrect. The British left before the State of Israel was created, not after, as he said. He also says if Israel hadn't been created, there would be no Western interest in the Middle East, which I'm sure even you're able to acknowledge is incorrect. Primary among the concerns of Western nations in the Middle East is oil, nuclear weaponry, warming of relations with China and Russia, and I'll put "ideological" reasons last, because that is a subjective, possibly fallacious argument.What exactly was your argument against what gsweeper said? iirc, it was something like "wot about da egyptians"
not exactly convincing, you intellectual dullard.
Oil is true. Everything is either minor, or non-existant. Like the nuclear problem in the Middle East, since you know, Israel is the only nuclear power there (cewpt Pakistan, but who cares about them since they only hate India) and Israel is the only reason why others want nuclear weapons.Primary among the concerns of Western nations in the Middle East is oil, nuclear weaponry, warming of relations with China and Russia, and I'll put "ideological" reasons last, because that is a subjective, possibly fallacious argument.
But in the very least, it does exacerbate the situation and is not negligible.He also says he believes there would be no terrorism in the Middle East if Israel did not exist which is also wrong. As long as a better way of life exists to contradict that by which those who adhere to Sharia law follow, there was always going to be terrorism as they clutch at straws in the way of suicide bombings etc. in order to bring it down.
I do agree that oil is the foremost motivation and I am willing to admit that Israel's possession of nuclear weaponry has further motivated the Arab states to have nuclear weapon capabilities, but they would have aimed for it anyway. Anyway, ignoring that, you've just conceded to my main point; oil.Oil is true. Everything is either minor, or non-existant. Like the nuclear problem in the Middle East, since you know, Israel is the only nuclear power there (cewpt Pakistan, but who cares about them since they only hate India) and Israel is the only reason why others want nuclear weapons.
As for the British, his point was that the British promised an Arab state, and didn't deliver. Quite true.
True, but my point stands.But in the very least, it does exacerbate the situation and is not negligible.
Yesdoes anyone actually believe that israel has a right to existence. when i say israel i mean the state israel, not izreali people or jewis people. how could someone legitimise the israeli state when it is so cleary has no right to exist. israel is on stolen land.
Troll.does anyone actually believe that israel has a right to existence. when i say israel i mean the state israel, not izreali people or jewis people. how could someone legitimise the israeli state when it is so cleary has no right to exist. israel is on stolen land.
just becuase britian after colonising the arab states decided to give a smal portion of this land to the jews living under opressin in european countries. does not mean that they have a right to that land. the palistinians were living for thuosands in this land befor the jews actully came. if the stealing of palistinain land to give to th jews can be legitimised then why cant britians stealing of australia from the native aboriginals be legitimised. and why cant the stealing of america from the native indians be legitimesed.
the isreali state should be taken down and replaced a palistinian goverment
I find arguing on the point to be pointless and particularly childish, for reasons you have partly pointed out.Imo, regardless of whether or not Israel should exist, it does exist, and many people retain an interest in its continued existence. Therefore it makes no sense to advocate the abolition of Israel because it would be too damaging to those who depend on the current situation. In short, a two-state solution.
Well, technically, the Jews did occupy Israel before the Romans diaspora'ed their asses out of there and more importantly before the Arabs, if you want to argue on a 'first come, first served' basis. However this logic is not particularly relevant to the situation at hand; it's impossible to say that Israel does or does not have a definitive right to exist and expect that standpoint to be universally acknowledged, just as the same would occur if I were to argue that the state of Australia should not exist because it was founded on stolen land.
murphad just as alot of bos members have cliamed, that arguing wether izrael has the right to exist is irrelivent. well i say off course it is relevent. becoase if izrael does not have the right to exist then this legitmises the palistinains or any other army who want to fight izael in order to free palistinian land from izraeli rule. so the question must be asked, whether izrael has a right to exist or not as the answere to this question will determine wether freeing palidtinian from is israeli rule or not.
secondly bos members also cliam that bos members have cliaming that palistinians ruled this land first is childish. bos members give two reasons for this firstly murphayed claims that actually jews ruled palistine before even the arabs. howver this piont is completeli illogical as it was the romans who removed the jews from palistine. therefore this piont does not give israel any right to attack land which is know arab land.
another piont which i would like to make is that palistinians have never stopped fighting dor there land. if a person came a took your house you would have every right to attempt to re take your house back off this man. however if a person comes and takes your house and then thuosands of years later your grand grand grand grand son atempts to re take the house which was once haers then this would not right.
this i belive is the distinct difference between the jews taking of arab land and the arabs wanting to re take there land.
also even if isreal has a right to exist palistinians would still ahve a right to fight isreal as israel is claerly and oppresive force. and i belive it is better to die fughting rather then live under oppresison.
The land of Palestine will forever belong to the blessed Arabs, and not to the dog Israelis. Arabs lived there in larger numbers for eons before the Jews came along. Perhaps it was Jewish land thousands of years ago in biblical days. Who gives a shit: The bible is not relevant and nor is 1000 years ago. What is relevant is current context. Wake up you Zionist scumbags and smell the cheese.
In the case of Israel, it was Palestinian land for a long time before the late...what, 1800's or something when the Jews decided to take up residence uninvited. There are still Palestinians of that generation still alive, still opposed to the invasion. They have children and grandchildren opposed to the Jewish invasion. Fuck, it was like, 70 years ago you moronic cunts, so don't try to equate it with 1600ad.
Furthermore, the fact that we're debating this and not fucking, idk, Byzantinians means that all you Zionist warmongerers regard Palestinian claim to land as significant. Significant to warrant debate. Unlike the claim to Israel made by Norweigen vikings.
And btw, the fact that Israel is there now doesn't give them right to the land because we rightfully view them as an immoral occupying force cause the Arabs don't want them there.
Leader of the Bored of Studies Anti-Israel League
But they started it! xDThe land of Palestine will forever belong to the blessed Arabs, and not to the dog Israelis. Arabs lived there in larger numbers for eons before the Jews came along. Perhaps it was Jewish land thousands of years ago in biblical days. Who gives a shit: The bible is not relevant and nor is 1000 years ago. What is relevant is current context. Wake up you Zionist scumbags and smell the cheese.
In the case of Israel, it was Palestinian land for a long time before the late...what, 1800's or something when the Jews decided to take up residence uninvited. There are still Palestinians of that generation still alive, still opposed to the invasion. They have children and grandchildren opposed to the Jewish invasion. Fuck, it was like, 70 years ago you moronic cunts, so don't try to equate it with 1600ad.
Furthermore, the fact that we're debating this and not fucking, idk, Byzantinians means that all you Zionist warmongerers regard Palestinian claim to land as significant. Significant to warrant debate. Unlike the claim to Israel made by Norweigen vikings.
And btw, the fact that Israel is there now doesn't give them right to the land because we rightfully view them as an immoral occupying force cause the Arabs don't want them there.
Leader of the Bored of Studies Anti-Israel League
well y are u callin it israeli land? last time i cheaked it was called Jerusalem ?