I had whiteout in my book as well.
firstly what a wank of a rule... who gives a shit..." Vicroads may not accept your Learner Log Book if:
blah blah blah
-'White-out' has been used
blah blah blah "
I guess it just depends what mood your instructor is in! You guys got lucky lol, hope I do too..
Do you think this means I have a chance of passing if I rip my first entry page out? Mum was retarded and started adding time in minutes, not hours + minutes
the thought of that scares victoria have fun doing hook turns
No one caresIf you can't be bothered filling in something which will only take less than a minute then you shouldn't be driving in the first place. Part of the L-licence requires you to fill it in, so don't come whining to us if you your stuff it up.
I've just done 123 legit hours, and recorded all the trips, and I haven't made any mistakes cause I've been bothered to carefully fill it out in the first place.