I have been playing guitar for about 5 years now, both acoustic and electric, i play in a gigging acoustic cover duo, but been working on starting an original like full band.I've been getting lessons off 'Dave Weiner' from the steve vai band via webcam and mic.Current rig:Ibanez Jem 7v >> Boss CS-3 >> M.I. Audio Tube Zone >> Ulbrick Megalodon >> Ulbrick Stadium 120 ( with modded all tube fx loop) with 2x12 celestion vintage 30's Ulbrick cab.FX Loop - Boss DD-7have to say favourite guitar solo would be Hollow Years by Dream Theater on the live at budakan dvd, Petrucci raaaapes it
nice one man! hahaha someone else with abit of pride in their gear

great to see you using some RAD aussie gear! im touring east coast next year and im getting one of the new MI Audio Revelations..... they are pretty freaking awesome man!.... im getting it sent to me for free..... and 2x 4x12's - endorsements are awesome! hahahaha!
i OWN a Fender 'evil' twin reverb (great cleans), and play a Brian Moore C-90T... but i want to get a couple PRS's and i REALLy like the feel of the Petrucci model music man's...
not a big fan of Ibanez through I have so say (sorry!), i WANT to like them, but i just dont feel comfortable.... and they sound abit thin to me.... but thats just me
Yeah, Petrucci is my favorite guitarist (well..... probably the one who has influenced me the most through the years...), but satch has great feel, vai is a rad performer, gilbert is flashy! hahaha, shawn lane is...... WAS.... AWESOME, and others like Guthrie Govan, Greg Howe etc...
you should check out the guy im touring with next year, Todd Robinson... i reckon you'd like it
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