wow this article and some of its comments demonises tutoring institutions... my tutor and all the ones i've been to before refuse to write an essay (in saying that i've never asked them

) - they always outline that they can check your essay and see where it is inadequate and you fix it up yourself.
A large section of the student body doing the hsc rote learns their essays and tailors it to the question - like Clintmyster said it's a skill in itself and mastering it is dead hard requiring heaps of practice - the system is set up to push students towards that direction. I myself had a pre prepared essay.
What i just strongly dislike is that the board of studies failed to have the conviction to crackdown on the system they set out to beat. There are 3 type of people who didn't answer the question:
1. those who foolishly decided not to read the question,
2. those who decided i have two related and i cbf to change my essay (and trust me there are these people)
3. those who said hey im going to do two related texts cause i have extra time and i don't really care about the requirements of the question - and please don't give me this 'they didn't use a restricting adverb' shit cause you can't beat something that's in capital letters.
All of the people regardless did not follow implicit and explicit instructions - again like i've posted on a previous thread. I'm not even up for penalising them, just don't read the second related text. If it's as indepth as a person with one related text by all means give them full marks and if it lacks cohesiveness or depth because of this by all means don't let them into the 16-20 range.
From the poll on this forum approximately a 1/3 of the student body did two related texts but the board is saying screw the other 2/3 of the people let's read both related texts. If they are going to mark two related texts then next time in 2010 don't set a criterion, don't give us this self righteous bullshit that we are cracking down on pre prepared essays - come on board of studies have a bit of a spine.