Leading up to Christmas absolutely sucks cock. (Our very first batch of Xmas Nuts arrived last week, joy) Grocery (we have deliveries every 3 days for grocery) which means each of those deliveries has 20+ pallets, meaning you can't even fart in the back yard, and if it starts to rain, well we don't have enough tarps to go round so they stick pallets in my produce room, in butchery, everywhere to keep them dry. And at night when they lock up they stick pallets in my room which means in the morning the truckie can't lift my produce into the cool room so it sits outside and then I have to spend 15 minutes taking all the grocery shit out of the cool room and then another 15 moving my produce in.
HOWEVER, while the lead up to Xmas sucks, i am looking forward to Christmas Club night (we like have heaps of produce cut up for tastes, watermelon, strawberries etc) and it is just super fun and Xmas eve. Busiest fucking day of the year (we do double our normal sales) but omg the most fun filled day ever. No body knows what they are doing, everyone runs around like headless chickens, and it's this which makes the day so much more enjoyable. Then at the end of the day all the managers and 2IC's head to the Pub to get hammered.
For those of you who haven't experienced Christmas week, you are in for a fun ride

Don't let the 10 + Deep lines at every check out annoy the crap out of you, just go with the flow (I remember Last year, our Store Manager was actually packing bags for me! I was like OMG) Just enjoy it and make the most of the experience.