Yeah we have 1 phone and 1 PA mic in the service desk, and I still manage to use the P.A often

. Your store is pathetic for having that rule of not letting you use it.
Yeah you must use the hash (#).
I did every 5 minute close reminder the other night..
"Attention customers, just a reminder that this store will be closing in approximately 15 minutes time, I repeat: this store will be closing in approximately 15 minutes time. Please finalise your purchases by making your way up to register 10 or self serve. On behalf of all the staff here tonight, we'd like to thank you for shopping with us at Safeway xxxxxxx"
Takes about 10-13 seconds to say.
@lacho95 - The point of the P.A is to get assistance promptly. P.A's are used for that, nobody uses P.A's for no reason, why would they? :S