Lol chose another god to follow!

This thread wasn't restricted to christians/catholics and the Jesus it entails.
yes by all means,
read the koran and examine for yourself.
ask yourself, is what mohammed claims reliable?
is his character, how he preached, how he treated others.
does it lead you to believe that what he claims is accurate?
read the gospels
examine for yourself the eye-witness accounts of the life of Jesus Christ.
how he treated others, how he said no to racism.. to sexism
how he loved his enemies, even when his death was at their hands.
how he cried out 'forgive them father for they know not what they do' even when they were taunting him as he bled and died on the cross.
examine for yourself, does the historical evidence lead me to believe that he is what he claimed, the son of God, sent to earth to die for the sins of man.. if so, accept him,
or does it lead you to believe he was a quack.. if so reject him.
christianity does not demand blind faith.
feel free to look at other religions,
examine for yourself the evidence, the trustworthiness and reliability of each.
many religions claim to portray God accurately..
obviously they can't all be right because many contradict each other.
so examine for yourself, the trustworthiness, and reliability of each.
don't take it from me,
examine the gospels for yourself.
likewise, examine other religions.
and i hope you come to the same conclusion as i do, that Jesus Christ is indeed the son of God, who came to die for the sins of man..
and the trustworthiness of Jesus Christ.. is undisputable.