In regards to ATAR etiquette, what is everyone's opinion on posting a facebook status about your ATAR?
I'm sure people are going to write stuff like "Pleasantly surprised

", "oh well, at least i didn't get a mystery mark

" and "disappointed

but what do you think about posting your actual number?
I know if anyone at my school posted something along the lines of "WOOOO I GOT AN ATAR OF 9*.**", everyone who got below them would bitch about how arrogant and pretentious they are being. Probably out of jealousy, obviously.
I don't see anything wrong with it. If you're open to sharing your ATAR then it lets everyone see it at the same time and you don't have to repeat yourself.
But even if I go well, I'm not going to post mine in a facebook status update, like I said, the people in my friends list would just be dicks about it. There's a particular group of girls who I can already imagine blowing it out of proportion and making it the most dramatic thing ever. Even if I was really happy and proud with my ATAR and wanted to share it with my friends and family, they'd perceive it as me arrogantly and pretentiously "rubbing it in their faces."