Homosexuality in Australia (6 Viewers)

What do you think of homosexuality in Australia?

  • Yes, i strongly support it.

    Votes: 674 48.5%
  • I somewhat support it.

    Votes: 201 14.5%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 182 13.1%
  • I do not support it.

    Votes: 334 24.0%

  • Total voters


Ecclesiastical Die-Hard
Jul 14, 2004
Oh what a piercing question!
Daggers! lol

Silence amature.
Aug 4, 2009
If I'm so 'amateur', surely my question would prove easy to answer, considering you're so superior to me, nothing I do could possibly defeat you. So why the silence?


Ecclesiastical Die-Hard
Jul 14, 2004
By the perfection of Christ as man and as a teacher of natural religion, considered in the light of His claim to be God.

By His miracles
By His prophecies
By His actual fulfilment of prophecy
By His Resurrection
By His living force and influence in the world today

This is obviously involved and requires genuine faith, rather than a smart-arse sarcastically challenging the faithful with a taunt as old as Pilate: 'What is truth?'. I have no time for you. Youre especially dumb, even for a bos homosexual.
Aug 4, 2009
But was Jesus not one who questioned the established order, challenging the 'faithful' and question people's most fundamental beliefs? He saw the importance of doing so and consequently changed the world. Change and questioning is necessary for humans to move forward, Jesus epitomises this.


Ecclesiastical Die-Hard
Jul 14, 2004
Yes sure. The importance of Jesus was that he brought Change and Questioning.
ffs hsc


Nov 4, 2009
Lol Iron, can you think for yourself? Your a walking and talking Catholic Church Catechism! I have noticed all your comments, on this issue and others, match remarkably precisely the rhetoric it espouses.

Marriage is a contractual agreement between two parties expressing commitment to one another. It is between these two people. It affects only these two people. There is no reason why a secular society like Australia can't accept secularised marriage between two individuals regardless of gender. If the Church wants to refuse to take part on ideological grounds, thats fine, but don't interfere with other people's business. Nothing about gay marriage interferes with straight marriages. The only difference is that you'll be making a lot of people feel happy, dignified and acknowledged.

I and all the other gay members on this site, more than anything else, want somebody they can love and be with. I'm not some depraved sex fiend. For me, and i'm sure for most gay people, sexual gratification is only a tiny part of it. Its all about being with someone who makes you feel loved and special. I can't change my sexuality, so its either I die a lonely, depressed and sad man or I accept who I am and enjoy the esctasy of the companionship of another. Everyone wants to be loved. At the same time, I know i'm a good person, and want to contribute to society and work hard, pay taxes, be a good neighbour etc like everybody else. Now using your pure logic without resorting to the Catholic theological rhetoric, what is so wrong about this? Are you saying I should die sad and lonely? By ensuring myself and some other soul is happy through a relationship, what possible damage could this do to society? There are murders, serial rapists, pedophiles , extortionists, robbers, wife bashers, and drug dealers out there, surely they are the ones doing the damage.


Ecclesiastical Die-Hard
Jul 14, 2004
There are murders, serial rapists, pedophiles , extortionists, robbers, wife bashers, and drug dealers out there, surely they are the ones doing the damage.
You belong in this category. But you can embrace celibate life my fren; reject Satan's impulses to death and choose a life in Christ. This does not have to be "sad and lonely"; living in Truth never is - in fact it is more liberating and condusive to real freedom than any of the flesh that you yearn for and feel entitled to.

I dont doubt that youre a good person at your core; we all are. Youre just confronted with a consumeristic culture hostile to truth that encourages individuals to have unrestrained demands on the world. The concept of you yourself saying "no" to an experience is clearly a novel one (on this forum at least)
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Mar 11, 2009
My World
Here's a quote i came across.

QA said:
"An engineering professor is treating her husband, a loan officer, to dinner for finally giving in to her pleas to shave off the scraggly beard he grew on vacation. His favorite restaurant is a casual place where they both feel comfortable in slacks and cotton/polyester-blend golf shirts. But, as always, she wears the gold and pearl pendant he gave her the day her divorce decree was final. They're laughing over their menus because they know he always ends up diving into a giant plate of ribs but she won't be talked into anything more fattening than shrimp.
Quiz: How many biblical prohibitions are they violating? Well, wives are supposed to be 'submissive' to their husbands (I Peter 3:1). And all women are forbidden to teach men (I Timothy 2:12), wear gold or pearls (I Timothy 2:9) or dress in clothing that 'pertains to a man' (Deuteronomy 22:5). Shellfish and pork are definitely out (Leviticus 11:7, 10) as are usury (Deuteronomy 23:19), shaving (Leviticus 19:27) and clothes of more than one fabric (Leviticus 19:19). And since the Bible rarely recognizes divorce, they're committing adultery, which carries the rather harsh penalty of death by stoning (Deuteronomy 22:22).
So why are they having such a good time? Probably because they wouldn't think of worrying about rules that seem absurd, anachronistic or - at best - unrealistic. Yet this same modern-day couple could easily be among the millions of Americans who never hesitate to lean on the Bible to justify their own anti-gay attitudes."
Take what you will from this
Aug 4, 2009
Tangent's post epitomises the issue at the crux of this, in my opinion. To go on about preserving marriage for the sake of religious values is archaic and hypocritical. The values once held when these texts were written are mostly out of date and inappropriate in our modern context. If those against this really want to talk about the importance of these values, then why don't they practise what they preach? Obviously, every single word of these texts is so sacred that it can *never* be disobeyed and *never* have a different interpretation, even though they were written 2000 years ago. Go and stone women who have committed adultery. Don't EVER work on a Sunday. Don't drink alcohol. Don't ever say 'Oh my God', etc, etc.

I don't have a problem with people believing in God or Allah or Jehovah or Buddha or whatever, but what I *do* have a problem with is a failure to acknowledge how things have changed since these texts were written. When the *only* framework used to think about these issues is a blind and unchanging adherence to obsolete rules and rituals and the fact that the importance of the central messages of these religions are blighted by dogma and petty squabbles. Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Buddhism all essentially seek to encourage people to be loving, compassionate, etc. But so often, this is forgotten and the greater truths that these religions espouse are smothered by ridiculous disagreements.

The exact meaning to be read from these texts and whether they can rightly be made to provide a neat pre-packaged answer to our contemporary questions is what is at issue. Anybody brave enough to claim to know the inner mind of God on the basis of a personal claim to be privy to the only conceivable interpretation of some biblical texts is guilty of self-delusion.
- Peter Carnley

Full cast credits for "Prop. 8: The Musical" - Out in Hollywood

YouTube - Will Anderson @ Melbourne Comedy Gala 2007
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Nov 4, 2009
After reading the first 10 or so pages of this forum; I'd realised one thing! That nobody addressed this point from a homosexual person..


I wasn't born gay, and I am sure of it. I was born straight, because I had 'a wood' while looking at females before I turned gay (Around 12). I don't know how, but my interests deterred to men (14 now), and I think I've started to realise my sexuality.

As much as other people say, I don't really 'choose' to be gay. I can't stop myself getting a 'boner' and thinking about having sex with men. Frankly, I just find women repugnant, and I can't bear to look at them, especially looking at their 'VJs" eeks me out (MY PERSONAL VIEW).

Being gay isn't really I guess a 'proud' thing. Everyone else in society views us as ugly, different from what they are. And they don't realise that like them, we hurt as well. It hurts when someone doesn't like you, because they find you disgusting, and want to avoid you. It hurts when someone says you're a 'wierdo' and doesn't want to accept you into their group. We scream out 'gay pride' because we do not want to be weak in the eyes of others. Even though we're the minority, we don't want to be backed down. Heterosexual people don't need to scream out 'straight pride' because there's no need for them to, because they're stronger.

If you guys don't understand this, I'll give an example! For example there's two children. One gets the significantly smaller share. The one with the more share does not need to fight because there is NO NEED TO.

Relating to statistics is a stupid thing to do, in my opinion. Following statistics is an example of following a bigger crowd isn't it? It's supporting the person with the bigger share, because he has the bigger share, because it's logically better. I guess Us Homosexuals just can't steal with the smaller share, so we stand up for ourselves?

Is it wrong?

Why won't you peoples understand? And just accept us?

Do we have to be exterminated? And be rid of? So that you guys can leave onto your lives as if a problem has been resolved? So that you can have a full share?

So that you'll feel like you're actually BETTER and MORE SUPREME because you're the one with the BIGGER SHARE?

Is your greed/ambitions not enough? Do you really have to take EVERYTHING?

I guess I don't want to be gay; because I want to be better too, I want to take things easier, and be happier. But I can't change, because I'm stuck with the smaller share. That's why I'd say I want to be gay, so that at least I wouldn't seem weak to others. I'd have to accept with the smaller share, because I HAVE to. So at least I'd try to be positive about it.

On the idea of God, It's really hard to debate it, because it really isn't a point in the first place. Because nobody can prove it's 'really' there, so you can't really prove that it's 'not' there. Though I've gotta say, I'd have to take a side, so I don't believe in God.

Yet at the same time, I wish there was a God, someone pulling the strings, and let me have the life I have. Without the grief, pain, worries, maybe I can look up and have what I want, and be happy. But I'm stuck down here, and I'd like to smile. For myself. I guess I'm a selfish person as well..

I haven't told my parents (the people I look up to) that I'm gay; I have doubts in my head, etc.

Will they hurt me? Exclude me? Not LOVE me?

People say we're beings of Satan.. In a way this sense of sadness really makes me believe I am. I'd always be in the group that God/Other people classify as evil. Other people would always believe We're "Satans" because they themselves believe they are the "Gods"; because they have the bigger share, because they know THEMSELVES that they are THAT GOOD. At least that's how I feel they see us.

I can't really support any of my arguments, because that's how I view things. I know only how myself works. I can't read minds, and understand how others see things. I can't really put others as OTHERS, but only as people who I view.

I guess, in a way, it's natural to be selfish as well. Because we only know ourselves..

It's ironic I'm here justifying this point.. Because I'm telling my opinions; I say I'm not trying to bend others to my will, but I KNOW I am. Because I'm trying to make you guys accept who I am, and understand me, to support me. So that I, myself, will live happily ever after, with the love and things that I want.. Selfish, huh?

Sometimes I'd look into the mirror and look at the disgusting person I am, and smile, because sometimes I guess, maybe being just 'happy' would be so much easier than this..

Sometimes I guess I grow envious of the things around me; everyone seems to have it so easily from me, sometimes I wish I could just let go..But I get scared as well..

'God', I'm such a hypocrite...

I just wished someone will be up there, whether it is a 'real' thing a not, a 'God' in a sense would just control me, and let me rest.. I'd wish that there was a someone up there..

Anyways, just what I wanted to say :drink:
Don't worry, the very worst of the prejudice is expressed in high school. As people become adults they get more sensible and understanding. A lot of the verbal gay bashing in high school is about people trying to prove their manliness and reassert their hetrosexuality. Most people I hear now don't really give a shit about people being gay anymore, most people are well and truly over it. It depends where you live too, for instance here in the inner city west of Sydney (i.e. the burbs between the CBD and Strathfield), the care factor from 90% of people is 0, but if your out 'round the outer west or south west of Sydney, you probably have to put up with much more shit. Even worse in country areas....

Anyway, don't hate who you are. What you consider a disadvantage actually gives you a different perspective on life. You are a worthy person who like anyone else can contribute well to society, and i'm sure someday you'll find someone truly special.


Oct 14, 2004
After reading the first 10 or so pages of this forum; I'd realised one thing! That nobody addressed this point from a homosexual person..


I wasn't born gay, and I am sure of it. I was born straight, because I had 'a wood' while looking at females before I turned gay (Around 12). I don't know how, but my interests deterred to men (14 now), and I think I've started to realise my sexuality.

As much as other people say, I don't really 'choose' to be gay. I can't stop myself getting a 'boner' and thinking about having sex with men. Frankly, I just find women repugnant, and I can't bear to look at them, especially looking at their 'VJs" eeks me out (MY PERSONAL VIEW).

Being gay isn't really I guess a 'proud' thing. Everyone else in society views us as ugly, different from what they are. And they don't realise that like them, we hurt as well. It hurts when someone doesn't like you, because they find you disgusting, and want to avoid you. It hurts when someone says you're a 'wierdo' and doesn't want to accept you into their group. We scream out 'gay pride' because we do not want to be weak in the eyes of others. Even though we're the minority, we don't want to be backed down. Heterosexual people don't need to scream out 'straight pride' because there's no need for them to, because they're stronger.

If you guys don't understand this, I'll give an example! For example there's two children. One gets the significantly smaller share. The one with the more share does not need to fight because there is NO NEED TO.

Relating to statistics is a stupid thing to do, in my opinion. Following statistics is an example of following a bigger crowd isn't it? It's supporting the person with the bigger share, because he has the bigger share, because it's logically better. I guess Us Homosexuals just can't steal with the smaller share, so we stand up for ourselves?

Is it wrong?

Why won't you peoples understand? And just accept us?

Do we have to be exterminated? And be rid of? So that you guys can leave onto your lives as if a problem has been resolved? So that you can have a full share?

So that you'll feel like you're actually BETTER and MORE SUPREME because you're the one with the BIGGER SHARE?

Is your greed/ambitions not enough? Do you really have to take EVERYTHING?

I guess I don't want to be gay; because I want to be better too, I want to take things easier, and be happier. But I can't change, because I'm stuck with the smaller share. That's why I'd say I want to be gay, so that at least I wouldn't seem weak to others. I'd have to accept with the smaller share, because I HAVE to. So at least I'd try to be positive about it.

On the idea of God, It's really hard to debate it, because it really isn't a point in the first place. Because nobody can prove it's 'really' there, so you can't really prove that it's 'not' there. Though I've gotta say, I'd have to take a side, so I don't believe in God.

Yet at the same time, I wish there was a God, someone pulling the strings, and let me have the life I have. Without the grief, pain, worries, maybe I can look up and have what I want, and be happy. But I'm stuck down here, and I'd like to smile. For myself. I guess I'm a selfish person as well..

I haven't told my parents (the people I look up to) that I'm gay; I have doubts in my head, etc.

Will they hurt me? Exclude me? Not LOVE me?

People say we're beings of Satan.. In a way this sense of sadness really makes me believe I am. I'd always be in the group that God/Other people classify as evil. Other people would always believe We're "Satans" because they themselves believe they are the "Gods"; because they have the bigger share, because they know THEMSELVES that they are THAT GOOD. At least that's how I feel they see us.

I can't really support any of my arguments, because that's how I view things. I know only how myself works. I can't read minds, and understand how others see things. I can't really put others as OTHERS, but only as people who I view.

I guess, in a way, it's natural to be selfish as well. Because we only know ourselves..

It's ironic I'm here justifying this point.. Because I'm telling my opinions; I say I'm not trying to bend others to my will, but I KNOW I am. Because I'm trying to make you guys accept who I am, and understand me, to support me. So that I, myself, will live happily ever after, with the love and things that I want.. Selfish, huh?

Sometimes I'd look into the mirror and look at the disgusting person I am, and smile, because sometimes I guess, maybe being just 'happy' would be so much easier than this..

Sometimes I guess I grow envious of the things around me; everyone seems to have it so easily from me, sometimes I wish I could just let go..But I get scared as well..

'God', I'm such a hypocrite...

I just wished someone will be up there, whether it is a 'real' thing a not, a 'God' in a sense would just control me, and let me rest.. I'd wish that there was a someone up there..

Anyways, just what I wanted to say :drink:
seek professional help, btw. anyone who pours their heart out into a post that long needs teh halp. :tree:


Mar 23, 2009
A person's sexual orientation doesn't determine whether they will be good or bad person, whether they will be happy or sad or whatever, so why does it really matter?

I don't think it does.

But here is my opinion:

If they want to be gay, that is fine. One of my closest guy friends is gay and it is no different to any other of my guy friends that I am close.

Oh well. I think I've already posted on this thread, anyway.


i'm a fireball in bed
Mar 6, 2008
island of screaming orgasms
A person's sexual orientation doesn't determine whether they will be good or bad person, whether they will be happy or sad or whatever, so why does it really matter?

I don't think it does.

But here is my opinion:

If they want to be gay, that is fine. One of my closest guy friends is gay and it is no different to any other of my guy friends that I am close.

Oh well. I think I've already posted on this thread, anyway.
Contary to popular belief, being gay is not a choice.


Nov 4, 2009
I don't understand how people can think being gay is a choice. Straight people who do should think of themselves 'choosing' to suddenly like the same sex. Doesn't work, does it?


Active Member
Aug 3, 2008
I don't understand how people can think being gay is a choice. Straight people who do should think of themselves 'choosing' to suddenly like the same sex. Doesn't work, does it?
And thus prompts the question, how many homophobic straights are closet bisexuals?

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