I think that is a lovely gesture, but be careful My last DM took our whole dept out to dinner 1 year and there is always those who exploit the offer (eg "i don't have to pay so I will order the most expensive on the menu" Or "I normally drink beer, but since it's free I'll order a cocktail". While the thought it is lovely some may take advantage. After that year, my boss chose to reward selectively. Those of us who were key employees recieved gift vouchers and cards of appreciation privately.Was thinking of getting my team a small gift for Xmas. Maybe take them to lunch or dinner on Tuesday. As far as I know no DM's in my store are doing anything like this, so I think will be a good gesturePlus it should boost morale.
What do you guys think? (There's only 5 of us so it's not going to break the bank!)