you'd have to be someone with a fair amount of low self esteem to tolerate a guy like that
im kinda like that. just not in that situation.
the only thing you could do would be to you know, beg and plead oh please stay with me ill try harder, ill be better rah rah rah, but i think most people would seriously advise against doing that cause it makes you come off needy and desperate. you probably cant do anything to fix the solution for your own benefit, so maybe just have a talk to him about it and find out what the problem is. theres ivery chance that thats not the real reason, maybe hes feeling just as self conscious as you and doesnt think he deserves you.
as you can see, im an optimist with low self esteem...

haha dont know why i put in a dog running there. wait yes i do "chasing" something better, get it? boom boom.