iykwim = if you know what i mean
I don't get it either. I'm practically doing full time hours at the moment, and its not like they chuck me on mains all day. My days are spent generally in express (but on the sup registers), in smokeshop, or in various nontrade functions. If I have a supervisor shift its weeknights which I can handle just fine. I have to admit I really struggled when I had to do Thursday nights last November, but thats more because I had 15 registers to spot in half an hour by myself, because they hadn't given me anyone else with supervisor privileges. If I was doing them now I'd be fine because that issue has well been fixed. I know what I'm good at and not good at, but I really didn't feel confident enough to speak up yesterday.
As I said, she's not about to banish me to mains just yet

TBH I didn't see any issue with the roster, I just think that she felt it had to be explained. At the end of the day, its a bit of a wakeup call, so I'm taking everyones criticism on board.
Your supervisors sound utterly pathetic. Does everyone end up on the roster as supervisors, or do most go on as operators? Because that distinction is well enforced with us. But the meeting sounds like its a good idea.
ie, here's our hierarchy.
1 - CSM (obviously)
2 - 2IC
3 - PPT supervisor who does Mon/Thurs/Fri close, as well as Sat and Sun all day. (and often will take charge over 2IC)
4 - 3IC (however if we're both on as operators I have no problem usurping her at the moment).
5 - Me and one other casual supervisor. Both of us are good at different things, so we're brilliant when together.
6 - Casual sup they started training in November/Weekend smokeshop operator.