I do not see how I, or anyone else has the right to claim that any of these are morally incorrect, thus, I
bold none, the one's that I have
underlined, although not 'wrong' in all circumstances, or viable for having my personal qualms with them imposed upon anyone else who practices them, should remain illegal, explainations will follow.
1. Prostitution - We do not all value sex in the same way, the sooner society comes to terms with that, the better. I do, however believe that some form of governing body has to preside over this profession to ensure that prostitutes are not taken advantage of.
2. Adultery - Mariages can be open relationships too. Studies have proven that this is in fact very beneficial to the relationships lasting. Also, there are many situations where Adultery is understandable (Ie: a man belives, after marriage that he might actually have been gay and not realised).
3. Illegal drugs - The government has no right to make paternalistic value jusgements on what people can and can't do to themselves.
4. Incest - Love is love. Though there should definately be institutions in place to educate about the risks involved in incestuous reproduction.
Bestiality - This is one I am not too sure about... morally, I cannot claim it is wrong, assuming consent by all parties... Realistily, this is quite difficult to assure when the human is the one who has initiated the sexual relationship.
6. Pornography - It's what the internet is for... It's what makes the world go round XD
Child Pornography - Another one that makes me unsure... child pornography in itself I see no problem with... the problem lies in the question of consent and understanding/abillity to give meaningful and informed consent... I think that in practice, the risks outweigh the benefits, and it really should remain illegal. Drawn child pornography however statistically protects children, and entirely morally sound.
8. Eating dogs - Dogs are no different to any other animals
9. Eating horses - Horses are no different to any other animals
10. Homosexuality - Love is love. More education is however still required to inform about the increased risks of anal sex versus vaginal sex, also children need to understand the social impacts of comming out of the closet before they make the decision to.
11. Nudity - Except when it's cold XD The human body is a beautiful thing, in all it's forms, fit or otherwise. I am pro-nudity :3
12. Cannibalism - Humans are no different to any other animals.
13. Necrophilia - As many religeons do not allow for Necrophilia, it cannot reign free, but should certainly permitted when the owner of the corpse gives written permission prior to death.
14. Asking people their income - Seriously...? Of course this is morally acceptable... if they don't want to tell you, they are allowed to say so XD
15. Swearing - Language is a tool for concealing the truth. The closer our language reflects our emotions, the better. Curses are a beautiful thing, and one of the most expressive ways of using language.
16. Casual sex - Not only morally accetable but physically, sexually and psycologically beneficial.
Sex with children - Love is love, but ensuring that children are not being taken advantage of, and are making informed decisions without the influence of any sort of coersion is an unrealistic dream. Thus, it should remain illegal unless there is a better way to ensure childrens safety without a blanket aproach to their sexual freedom.
18. Gambling - Again, the government has no right to place their value judgements of goods or services above ours as consumers. LEt people use their hard earned money as they see fit.
19. BDSM - BDSM can create incredibly stong bonds between lovers, and help release pent-up emotions. More education is required however about the safety of it... Too many people have died needlessly from stupidity or carelessness during BDSM sex. although it is enjoyable, people do need to keep in mind that it can be potentially dangerous.
20. Farting - OMG farting is sooo gross! Anyone who farts should die!