Ah, I see, what does the instore make?
single rolls, donuts, baugettes, croissonts, brownies, you name it
A lot more than this. We make mock creme sponges & lamingtons, full line of cookies, 2 different types of butter croissants, Mud cakes, profiteroles, a full production of fresh cream sponge cakes (dusted, iced, birthday decorated), Pavlovas, trifles, custard tarts, pecan danishes, donuts, morning tea iced bun lines (e.g. finger buns etc), plus all the loose rolls, brownies, muffins, single pastries, danishes, baguettes, artisan loaves. Plus a full range of bread including all the different types of four seed, grain, soy linseed, wholemeal, sourdough, crusty and white.
I'm pretty sure you can only do a manual price entry with the RF printer if you have Manager access (As in SM access, not Department manager)
Naw k

Though I may have been using the SM numbers when I did it last, as he used to lend me his lol.
Operation Jigsaw is coming for deli. and OMG it looks like shit =/
instead of having the sliced meats placed as it is atm, (silverside, turkey, chicken breast, etc); it'll be all in stacks like devon and chicken roll =/
supposedyly "improves freshsness'. Horses ass it does.. the sides of the meat would go dry and it'll make our lives harder to pick up the slices. =.=
My store is trialling this already. Apparently it means you're allowed to have less stacked, though, and you have the full roll in front of it too, making slicing on demand easier. But Woolworths is going to all lengths in their presentations on it to say that it is NOT slice on demand
Looks very nice, but means a lot more slicing and stuff throughout the day which will be a pain. I do like the fact that they have all the shaved and sliced meats together, though (with the shaved stuff on the top shelf of the window).
also i love the satisfaction of refusing to mark down hot roast chickens to 50% when doing night shifts.
Customer: "but they always do it for me."
me: How much we reduce it by dependso n how many chickens there are. At the moment, there isn't much left so we don't reduce it by as much.
then they proceed to tell me to ask my manager. Who i go to and says NOT to reduce it by 50%. Score. The satisfaction =]
Lol, customers tell me to mark down stuff and I respond that I mark down at my own discretion, and that I am not here to give away products