I mean, I am not particularly offended by this per se ... But I don't think the way in which O'Loughlin made the jokes was in any way funny ... Like she's usually sort of humerous, but whatever it was she was trying to deliver just failed.
And it wasn't particularly clever? So a recovering alcoholic calls a 12 year old girl a freak show and a creep. HEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE OMFG SHE IS DA FUNNIEST.
Anyway I can't for the life of me understand why some of you cunts are so self assured that you think it's okay to verbally beat the shit out of a little girl who:
a. May be as annoying as her father, but her target audience isn't exactly aimed at cynical late teens/early 20 somethings. She has a niche in the market, and whatever appeal she has works for that niche.
b. Nothing she is doing is harmful. If she is promoting conservation whilst making a fuckload of money out of it, who gives a shit?
c. She's 12, I have a feeling that 90% of what she does isn't exactly her own doing.
So in conclusion you bunch of cunt holes;
- You're attacking a 12 year old girl. Good for you.
- There are muslams and christians and anti vaccine campaigners out there, focus your energy on somebody who actually does deserve a punch in the face.