Anyone just watch conroydom on the 7pm project? the dumb ass was lying left right and center and twisting facts between breaths.
God i hop a band of small breasted women kidnap him and bury him alive...
Ya i watched, hes a fucking moron.
(Paraphrasng the whole thing)
moron-"The opening package was wrong, rar rar rar."
host-"Does the filter slow speeds down?"
moron-"No, independent tests said 7/10s the blink of an eye through telstra"
me-"Oh yeah, cause they can be trusted"
He didnt explain the file size, type, net speed used, net type used.
host-"What about p2p networks, which is mostly used to distribute RC content, does the filter work??"
moron-"No, but the Australian Federal Police have technology already implemented to search out RC distributers"
host-"So the filter isnt stopping much...."
moron-"no the filter will stop websites that contain RC material"
host-"But you said earlier these sites were already banned, how can you filter banned sites?
moron-"derpedy deperdy derp!"
host- "well thats the time we have right now, but im sure this hasnt finished."
host2-"They better not filter pit girls"
Holy fuck this guy is dumb.
Filter does not filter P2P, main instrument used in the destribution of hardcore RC material.
Filter does indeed restrict speeds on non mainstream websites, for instance youtube wont be hit, but BoS might be.
He practically stalled because he knew he was raped with the opening segment.
Free or P2U computer based filters (nannies) are more effective then the tripe this moron is trying to introduce. These are updated almost weekly with a list open to public view. These filters also allow adults to view WTF they want when they want.