The Woolworths Thread (26 Viewers)


Jan 8, 2009
Well, I thought I'd share my shitty night with everyone here on BOS. I usually love doing Saturday nights, but this one supervisor really does my head in. I think it's fair to say that she isn't very well liked at the store, and she certainly doesn't like me or any male operators for that matter.

Luckily she only does Saturday close once a month, so its not that bad. Well tonight everything stuffed up, and not because of me, but because she 'was supposed to have a backup' but tonight that person called in sick and the draws were all out and each one of the 15 had to be recounted.

So I did the SCO attendants tea break while filling a basketful of confec, we swapped and she did mine. I was just about to get up when I hear "JAMES GIBSON CAN I HAVE AN EXPRESS ALERT TO REGISTER FIVE THANKS JAMES'. I get back down from the tea room and find her talking to the duty manager at the service desk. She gives me an earful about my 'poor work ethic' because, apparently I was a couple of minutes late back from my break. So instead she sends me to do stock.

I finish and get back, and now she's serving on my register, sees me out of the corner of her eye and bellows my name. She saves the docket and gets me to continue. Meanwhile, she stands at the service desk, doing nothing of importance.

Customer: What happened. Didn't she want to serve me?
Me: No, it's just that the boss isn't supposed to be serving on my register.
Supervisor: (Retarded cough)
Customer: (Turns around) What on earth was that? Sounded like a dog.
Me: Maybe it was (Smiles)
Customer: (Laugh) We won't go there

Then she turns around at 11pm and says since I've been done nothing all night, I can help fill smokes, empty bins and clean all the screens. Unfortunately that wasn't the end of it. She then made me deep clean every single rubber mat (the ones we stand on). I'd just finished when she throws a pen at me and tell me to sign two check-seals for one of the nightfill guys.

Oh well, at least I didn't have to clean every single basket in the whole store. I'm just sick of this cow ruining my Saturday nights. I can't wait to drop Saturdays from my roster next month!

It sure feels good to get that out there.


Sep 21, 2009
Well, I thought I'd share my shitty night with everyone here on BOS. I usually love doing Saturday nights, but this one supervisor really does my head in. I think it's fair to say that she isn't very well liked at the store, and she certainly doesn't like me or any male operators for that matter.

Luckily she only does Saturday close once a month, so its not that bad. Well tonight everything stuffed up, and not because of me, but because she 'was supposed to have a backup' but tonight that person called in sick and the draws were all out and each one of the 15 had to be recounted.

So I did the SCO attendants tea break while filling a basketful of confec, we swapped and she did mine. I was just about to get up when I hear "JAMES GIBSON CAN I HAVE AN EXPRESS ALERT TO REGISTER FIVE THANKS JAMES'. I get back down from the tea room and find her talking to the duty manager at the service desk. She gives me an earful about my 'poor work ethic' because, apparently I was a couple of minutes late back from my break. So instead she sends me to do stock.

I finish and get back, and now she's serving on my register, sees me out of the corner of her eye and bellows my name. She saves the docket and gets me to continue. Meanwhile, she stands at the service desk, doing nothing of importance.

Customer: What happened. Didn't she want to serve me?
Me: No, it's just that the boss isn't supposed to be serving on my register.
Supervisor: (Retarded cough)
Customer: (Turns around) What on earth was that? Sounded like a dog.
Me: Maybe it was (Smiles)
Customer: (Laugh) We won't go there

Then she turns around at 11pm and says since I've been done nothing all night, I can help fill smokes, empty bins and clean all the screens. Unfortunately that wasn't the end of it. She then made me deep clean every single rubber mat (the ones we stand on). I'd just finished when she throws a pen at me and tell me to sign two check-seals for one of the nightfill guys.

Oh well, at least I didn't have to clean every single basket in the whole store. I'm just sick of this cow ruining my Saturday nights. I can't wait to drop Saturdays from my roster next month!

It sure feels good to get that out there.
This chick sounds like a bitch! Kinda like our hated supervisors but worse! Lol that conversation with the customer made me laugh hahaha sounded like a dog... Maybe it was. Lol funnyyyyyy stuff.

I had a pretty good day, got to bludge for a bit after my tea break lol, it took me about 20 minutes to put some cardboard in the crusher and rubbish in the bin haha. I then got asked to go get celery for a customer while my reg. was counted coz produce was gone home, it was fun lol I've never been in the produce coolroom before, fuck it's cold though!!!!


Woolworths Bitch
Sep 7, 2008
So looking forward to today...Usually start at 6 but I thought 8.30 was a better time...And no customers til 1 so I'm going to try and go before 1 too.

And I'm going in Mufti. I ain't getting all dressed in my uniform just for a few other staff.


is cool
Nov 29, 2008
nowhere man
Hey I forgot to mention.
A store 20 minutes away was broken into and had ALL there cigarettes stolen overnight.

We must now remove ALL smoke shelves from smokeshop and every single carton from the cupboards and lock it away. Takes roughly 45 minutes EXTRA ON TOP OF OUR normal night. No joke, there is not allowed to be ONE packet of smokes left out in service AT ALL now.

They better increase our fucking close shifts to 11pm as opposed to the normal 10.30 if they expect this to last.

When I got to work today at 3pm they still had whole boxes of full of cartons they had not managed to put back into the cupboards yet. Fucking rediculous.
Personally dont think this will last, but it's shitting me up the wall.

You know those massive silver racks with wheels? Usually put produce or whatever on them, basically fill ONE of those and a whole nother trolly full of smoke products.
WELCOME TO MY LIFE. I am SO glad this has happened to someone else now.
And excuse me even if i do so say myself but we have a 9:15 close and get them done by 9. Your store sounds quieter than ours most of the time so extending your close to 11PM would be totally unnecessary.

Also, hot tip, we bought a set of about 6-8 big plastic tubs to sit the trays in, and we transport them by one of those mega-trolleys out the back. Also, cartons still sitting out at 3PM is just laziness. Not to mention illegal. Even the very large stores in our are get them in by about 9AM.

well they're about as sexy as check seals get. let me see if this site is stable enough (its been pretty shit today) to let me upload a pic.

and yes they're that small. thats on a biscuit packet, the check seal covers the 9300633 aspect of the barcode, thats it.
Noooooooooo! Writing funny checkseals is like the best thing ever.
Purchased by: Shrek
Checked by: Barack Obama

and then sticking it on the Grocery Manager's coke, and he doesn't even notice.

Then I get told that despite having 13 perfectly good hours of annual leave, I have to take unpaid leave for next Saturday because my forms weren't signed in time. I call bullshit, but I wasn't really in a mood to argue.
That is bullshit.

I've missed 13 pages by cbf reading all that.

My roz next goes week goes something along the lines of:
M: 3.15-9.15 sup
W: 3.15-9.15 sup
T: 10-7 op
F: 12.15-9.15 sup
S: 7-4 sup

woot 36 hrs.
The 2IC came in on Friday and said she's going back to 20 hours because she gets more money from Centrelink that way. OK, fair enough, but effective immediately! CSM stood around staring absently into middle distance for the rest of the day. She was begging me to stay and i'm like "nah but i'll send you a postcard from my villa on the Costa Brava" then cackled uncontrollably.


May 29, 2009
Cheltenham, Adelaide
WELCOME TO MY LIFE. I am SO glad this has happened to someone else now.
And excuse me even if i do so say myself but we have a 9:15 close and get them done by 9. Your store sounds quieter than ours most of the time so extending your close to 11PM would be totally unnecessary.

Also, hot tip, we bought a set of about 6-8 big plastic tubs to sit the trays in, and we transport them by one of those mega-trolleys out the back. Also, cartons still sitting out at 3PM is just laziness. Not to mention illegal. Even the very large stores in our are get them in by about 9AM.
That's what we do.
And also, it doesn't matter if a store has three registers, if there is not adequate staff then it is going to be busy as hell. Larger stores almost always have more staff on IMO. On Wednesday night, I had no idea about it, and the supervisor only started pulling the first cartons out at 10.25, I left at 10.45 because it was fucking rediculous.
Btw how is it legal to have smokes displayed on a rack right before you close as opposed to 12pm in the afternoon? You're saying basically they should only be done after the store closes.
BTW the produce boxes of cartons were covered up in the afternoon.


Apr 26, 2007
I don't get why the locks etc. on the cigarette area aren't enough? Stupid to have to lock them away from their own lock up place.

The law, iMathew is that you can only have a certain amount of cigarettes (1 Metre squared rings a bell) displayed - hence the flaps over the rest etc.
I heard a woolies got it's cigarette license revoked for a year after they were seen having a carton sitting on top of the cigarette case during trading.


Active Member
Jul 27, 2006
We used to have to pack up the cigarettes every night with the supervisor on close leaving at 12.30am. Now we don't have to pack them up - there are in drawers which have locks on them so that when the lock guard goes on, the drawer can not be pulled out any more. Staff now leave at 12.15am. We also have NO cigarettes on show (its illegal in NSW isn't it?). We get cigarettes from out the back and they are brought up in a blue crates/boxes.


May 29, 2009
Cheltenham, Adelaide
I don't get why the locks etc. on the cigarette area aren't enough? Stupid to have to lock them away from their own lock up place.

The law, iMathew is that you can only have a certain amount of cigarettes (1 Metre squared rings a bell) displayed - hence the flaps over the rest etc.
I heard a woolies got it's cigarette license revoked for a year after they were seen having a carton sitting on top of the cigarette case during trading.
Oh yeah, but these produce boxes were sitting on OUR service desk side completely covered up, you would never have known cartons were inside.
It's not like they were sitting on the customer service desk side :p


Active Member
Jul 27, 2006
Is anyone else having trouble with this site? It's taking over a minute to load a page for me and that's only when I don't get 500 - Internal Server Error pages!

Anyway I'm so bored that I wish I was allowed to work/rostered on. Had 2 wisdom teeth removed on Thursday and I am so bored and restless and so over eating baby food (and I mean literally baby food) and jelly and custard.

I never have trouble laying around when I should be doing work but this whole resting thing is driving me insane. Thankfully though I've had no pain, little swelling and just slight discomfort. All in all a good op... oh and those drugs they gave me were amazing :)


Active Member
Jul 27, 2006
Is anyone else having trouble with this site? It's taking over a minute to load a page for me and that's only when I don't get 500 - Internal Server Error pages!

Anyway I'm so bored that I wish I was allowed to work/rostered on. Had 2 wisdom teeth removed on Thursday and I am so bored and restless and so over eating baby food (and I mean literally baby food) and jelly and custard.

I never have trouble laying around when I should be doing work but this whole resting thing is driving me insane. Thankfully though I've had no pain, little swelling and just slight discomfort. All in all a good op... oh and those drugs they gave me were amazing :)


New Member
Mar 24, 2010
Is anyone else having trouble with this site? It's taking over a minute to load a page for me and that's only when I don't get 500 - Internal Server Error pages!

Anyway I'm so bored that I wish I was allowed to work/rostered on. Had 2 wisdom teeth removed on Thursday and I am so bored and restless and so over eating baby food (and I mean literally baby food) and jelly and custard.

I never have trouble laying around when I should be doing work but this whole resting thing is driving me insane. Thankfully though I've had no pain, little swelling and just slight discomfort. All in all a good op... oh and those drugs they gave me were amazing :)
holy mother, i never thought anyone else would have the same problem. Yeah, me too. Last couple of says its working fine, but sometimes this servo 500 thing comes up so i have to wait another 1 or so to come back on the site.. and it takes long to load too. Maybe cause there are a lot of people, i dont know.

And just a question, if working as a cashier at woolies, is it all you doing, can you also stack shelves or anything else? will it be embarassing to be cashier since its mainly for "girls"??
Oct 28, 2006
Under an invisibility cloak
holy mother, i never thought anyone else would have the same problem. Yeah, me too. Last couple of says its working fine, but sometimes this servo 500 thing comes up so i have to wait another 1 or so to come back on the site.. and it takes long to load too. Maybe cause there are a lot of people, i dont know.
I did the most epic 5 quote multiquote reply earlier, which got totally eaten by the BOS gods - not cool. So to summarise what I meant to say:

  • jirwin - you should be feeling better soon :)
  • This weekend coming is my first weekend since December, then before that September.
  • yoddle - I was never cool enough to be even mildly humourous with check seals. My CSM, on the otherhand, was quite nasty on some of hers. I also wish my 2IC would do the same thing as yours, I'm at a point where I will quit if she becomes CSM when our current one leaves (hopefully soon!)
  • And I was going to say something about smokes to the effect of we have one cupboard which is essentially dedicated to smokes we cbf filling in the correct spot. Whenever its quiet it might get cleaned up. MAYBE. But it helps in getting them away quickly if need be. Also did you know twinpacks count as cartons - I never knew this until I suggested that the Winfield twinpacks should go on our open display as so many customers don't know that we sell them. (Of course, that kind of promotion is absolutely illegal, but you know, we have the cheapest cigarettes in our centre, and we absolutely don't want to lose that reputation ;))
And just a question, if working as a cashier at woolies, is it all you doing, can you also stack shelves or anything else? will it be embarassing to be cashier since its mainly for "girls"??
Haha, you should have seen my store last Sunday.
Three express lanes - all guys.
Three mains - two guys, one girl.
(Thats probably because the girls had weasled their way into other jobs, but it proves my point).

And if you get hired for checkouts, I wouldn't get my hopes up about moving elsewhere. I mean it does happen, just don't rely on it.

I'm Ctrl+C-ing this in case it gets eaten again. FFS.
Feb 28, 2008
Oh thank god, so I'm not the only one! The website loads very slowly for me, but I don't get errors.

Replying to the service cashier thing, if the store's really quiet, the supervisors sometimes ask you to face the shelves (I've done it before and it happened quite alot during late night openings during Xmas) but that's about it. I've been asked to do shifts in Perishables before and once for 20mins in Deli but that only happens when they really need people and they also need to train you so unless they're really despo, then they will.


Apr 26, 2007
Checkouts seems to be the department that gets stolen from most.
I started on checkouts, and have since done:
Meat (Manager for a bit)
Storeman (Is happening increasingly more often, maybe I should ask to be trained on it all).

So, you probs won't get jobs during your checkout shifts - that aren't checkout related. But if they ask you to do a shift somewhere else, don't decline - 1 shift on meat took me pretty far in 5 months.


Dec 10, 2007
holy mother, i never thought anyone else would have the same problem. Yeah, me too. Last couple of says its working fine, but sometimes this servo 500 thing comes up so i have to wait another 1 or so to come back on the site.. and it takes long to load too. Maybe cause there are a lot of people, i dont know.

And just a question, if working as a cashier at woolies, is it all you doing, can you also stack shelves or anything else? will it be embarassing to be cashier since its mainly for "girls"??
Yeah this site is slow as bat shit for me too, but eh, what can you do.
But yeah, trust me working up the front with not many guys and heaps of workers who are chicks is like shooting fish in a barrel.


Jan 8, 2009
Wooo! The b.o.s is back!!

Wednesday 19:30-24:30 sco
friday 19:30-24:30 sco
saturday 16:15-2415 operator
sunday 11:00-16:00 sco


Sep 21, 2009
Wooo! The b.o.s is back!!

Wednesday 19:30-24:30 sco
friday 19:30-24:30 sco
saturday 16:15-2415 operator
sunday 11:00-16:00 sco
Jealous of your shifts!
This week, no shifts
next week, 1 or 2 short shifts

oh and I also gave rep to a few posts on this page :)


Sep 13, 2008
I must say, I'm quite impressed by my work at the moment. I told my SSM that I'm going back from uni holidays starting at the start of this week, and somehow magically I ended up with 13 hours worked (+5 for Monday) this week and 15 hours next week. That means I'm working about four hours less in these two weeks than I worked on the weekend two weekends ago :)

Plus I think I'm still owed TIL so even better, I guess...


you've got the love
Jul 1, 2008
Hey I forgot to mention.
A store 20 minutes away was broken into and had ALL there cigarettes stolen overnight.

We must now remove ALL smoke shelves from smokeshop and every single carton from the cupboards and lock it away. Takes roughly 45 minutes EXTRA ON TOP OF OUR normal night. No joke, there is not allowed to be ONE packet of smokes left out in service AT ALL now.

They better increase our fucking close shifts to 11pm as opposed to the normal 10.30 if they expect this to last.

When I got to work today at 3pm they still had whole boxes of full of cartons they had not managed to put back into the cupboards yet. Fucking rediculous.
Personally dont think this will last, but it's shitting me up the wall.

You know those massive silver racks with wheels? Usually put produce or whatever on them, basically fill ONE of those and a whole nother trolly full of smoke products.
Your management is a lot like ours (at McDs): Looks for ways to shift the responsibility onto staff without putting into place permanent and effective measures that would cost slightly more :(

Sounds like a typical over reaction for Woolworths!! Why don't they concentrate on how and where the thieves got in instead of hoarding the smokes out of sight. What are they going to do if the liquor store gets broken into? Tell liquor to put all their stock away every night??!! I swear corporate officers and management have mashed potatoes for brains.....:hammer:
Yep, so do ours :vcross:

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