Quoted from another internet messageboard
My greatest concern in this is the Governments track record, that and the likelihood of replacing one monopoly with another.
And what "track record" are you talking about. Australian Federal Govts have an excellent track record for creating viable Companies that vastly add to the running and comfort of all Australians. Try and divorce yourself from the current blathering of the Opposition and Media about 2 fairly successful financial stimuli and have a look at their "track record" over the past x decades.
I have picked several, some known and some unknown
Commonwealth Serum Laboratories – very successful and privatised in 1994. Formed in 1916 by a Labor govt
QANTAS – very successful and re-privatised from 1995 onwards. Until 1947 it was a privately owned company and was nationalised in 1947 with the Q Board's encouragement by a Labor Govt
Commonwealth Bank formed in 1911 by the Commonwealth Govt which was Labor at that time.
Snowy Mountains Scheme – commenced in 1949 under Ben Chifley Labor
and one that really effects ALL Australians and really irks business the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, set up in 1948 by Ben Chifley Labor.
Governments of recent years have been more interested in selling the farm than trying to improve it. But that's the way the ideology swings, that pendulum will eventually swing back the other way.
Now, about that "track record"?
Next thing you know the liberals will be selling AUSTRALIA to the USA or china just so that they can say he we got all this extra money to spend.
What are the liberals going to sell next time is the australian government going to have any assets left by the end of it?
Trust me when I say you think its bad now.......its only going to get worse with ANY of the current candidates from Liberal party.
If tony gets might as well kiss goodbye to any movie above a PG rating.....goodbye to public displays of affection.....
And anyways name one major infrustructure project that the Liberals have invested in the last 30 years.......I seriously cant think of one off the top of my head.........however wait a minute........isnt the Liberals being hypocritical when they say labour is introducing a GREAT NEW TAX..........hold on a second.........what happened in 2000..........the introduction of GST........this was a big new tax which replaced most of the state sale taxes......
Hold a second doesnt that sound somewhat fimilar to the new Mining Tax.......the new mining tax will be replacing the state royalty system.
Here is one thing that is for sure......
Companies control Australia and its people.
Comapnies induce fear into the public to make things go their way.
Is Australia a free country .........F**k NO
Is Australia a Lucky Country ......F**k NO
Is Australia investing in critical infrustructure............F**K NO under Liberals
First thing Howard did when he got into office in 1996 was to cut the HEALTH and EDUCATION budgets............and yet the defence budget has been slowly climbing.
So go right ahead and vote for Liberals because as they have said they will be
- Scrapping the NBN
- Cutting the Education Budget down to size
- Most likely cut the Health Budget down as well
What is the use of continued surplus if there is no investment into future growth?????
I can see Australia 50 years from now being one of the worse countries on earth and being rated effectively a 3rd world country.
If you want to complain about DEBT then go and look at USA.....their current DEBT is somewhere around $10-13 Trillion dollars............which doesnt include their future obligations to the USA people. If you want to know their total debt including their future obligations to the USA people then the total amount is around $60 Trillion Dollars.
Why dont you stick that in your pipe hole and smoke it