Hey guys, im new to this website as my friend told me about this site and how i could get some help from you guys 
Okay so this is the story i have asian parents who are really protective. My mum doesnt like me hanging out with my friends or going to parties unless they are my friends i.e. if someone from school is having a party and i know them but im not good friends with them i cant go. my mum hardly ever lets me go to my mates houses unless its for school.... she doesnt like me goin to the cinemas or to the shopping centre with friends. and the list goes on... She thinks my main priority is education. I regard school as a very important part of my life and i am getting very good grades at school, id say im one of the top students of the year lvl. But i still cant find a way for them to overcome this and give me some freedom. Also i am the oldest child of three...
So the situation atm is that ive had a crush on a girl who ive become good friends with, this crush has been going on for around a year now... I think that i reallly like her now. The upside is taht she likes me as well, unless i am completely misinterpretating the way she acts and talks to me. I sort of want to ask her out to the movies or something but at the same time im too chicken and im wanting her to make the first move :S ALSO another major factor is my parents... i really do not know what my mums reaction would be if i told her that i have a girlfriend especially since the girl i like is an aussie and my ethnicity is ofcourse of asian background. A lot of my friends are telling me to make a move and so on but im really stuck and do not have an idea of what to do....
We are both in yr 11 as well if that helps
Thanks, please give me some help
Okay so this is the story i have asian parents who are really protective. My mum doesnt like me hanging out with my friends or going to parties unless they are my friends i.e. if someone from school is having a party and i know them but im not good friends with them i cant go. my mum hardly ever lets me go to my mates houses unless its for school.... she doesnt like me goin to the cinemas or to the shopping centre with friends. and the list goes on... She thinks my main priority is education. I regard school as a very important part of my life and i am getting very good grades at school, id say im one of the top students of the year lvl. But i still cant find a way for them to overcome this and give me some freedom. Also i am the oldest child of three...
So the situation atm is that ive had a crush on a girl who ive become good friends with, this crush has been going on for around a year now... I think that i reallly like her now. The upside is taht she likes me as well, unless i am completely misinterpretating the way she acts and talks to me. I sort of want to ask her out to the movies or something but at the same time im too chicken and im wanting her to make the first move :S ALSO another major factor is my parents... i really do not know what my mums reaction would be if i told her that i have a girlfriend especially since the girl i like is an aussie and my ethnicity is ofcourse of asian background. A lot of my friends are telling me to make a move and so on but im really stuck and do not have an idea of what to do....
We are both in yr 11 as well if that helps
Thanks, please give me some help