Oh shit wait, im a guy lol, sorry yo1anda

Yes, you are correct, finally someone who can use some fucking logic.
Now, who's fault is that yo1anda? I agree with you, it is fucking digusting!! No woman should have to go through that horrible shit. But, no where in our religion does it say this is acceptable, you will find to the contrary, it accepts woman as equal, who should married to a husband in a bond, that emotionally, and physically (lol) lasts forever, where the woman is not a fucking slave, like some dirty cunt saudia's and egyptians do. Now ill ask you, can a 10 year old and a 20 year old have a fucking emotionall relationship?.. maybe a parental one... this is just disgusting. What is going on is COMPLETELY!! against the laws of islam, only a fool would disagree. It can be called.. idiotic.. insane barbaric traditions, which occur ALL AROUND THE WORLD! not just the middle east, and not just with muslims, (and it is muslims, who are hypocrits, and ignore a vital part of the religion of healthy relationships with equality).
Look, im not saying this religion is the best thing in the world, and nothing is better, because that would make me a cunt, and a biased one at that, but im just defending its right to exist, and its right to be followed by those who wish to follow it.