lol why should you care what question the problem is located in? It should have no bearing on the rest of the exam. I don't even think about it, I just do the paper.
it gets you focused and more confident, trust me, if you can look at a question ( obviously with question number not next to it

) and go " i know thats a Q " " question, you know you are doing well. It means you are getting used to the difficulty and format of the question, every single question i have answered on this site i have had a fairly good idea as too where it would "fit" into an exam. It also means you are more alter to kinds of tricks they throw at you. Good technique. if you can predict exam questions ( even think up potentially tough ones as you go through revising the topics, with tricks, in your head, you are doing well, i used to do that, good technique)
i would think integrate sinx - cosx with limits would come in Q3 ( the usual integration/differentation question), probably 2 marks ( if it was a semi hard exam) , 3 marks if it was an easy paper.
the stuff in Q1 is more like rounding, making sure you know sig figures (e.g. something like rounding 0.00604 to two significant figures, this would lose marks for ALOT of people i gaurantee you, a seemingly easy question littered with tricks) , was strange last yrs 4 unit paper had a question on sig figures, like first time ever i think) , solving simple inequalities ( with a negative tossed in here or there) and graphing on number line ,solving fairly simple linear equations, rationalising denominators/surds and such.