Describe the test for BOD and evaluate its importance with respect to the monitoring of the possible eutrophication of waterways. 6 marks
I'm not sure how to answer this question. help please

BOD test-use oxygen sesnor to measure DO at beginning and then again after 5 days (keep in dark room, 20 degrees, 1 L etc.). The difference betwen the final result and the initial result is the BOD
With respect to eutrophication, I would first describe the process (so runoff, nitrates, phosphates, algal blooms etc.) and then say that because it increases turbidity (algal blooms) it prevents photosynthsis for autotrpophic organisms. Hence, BOD is a good indicator of monitor eutrophication. Then make an it is very effective (but i think you should also say that you cannot simply rely on 1 test and you should use TDS, DO, Nitrate and phosphate precipiatation test and do many repetitions to increase reliability)