Quite a fair few people in my school utilise their personal laptops for school. I don't really see a point, you'll need to hand write your HSC, so why spend two years typing notes / essays / responses and get into a 3 hour exam and be unable to compose an average length response?
However, if you prefer typing, due to handwriting ineligibility, ease to alter notes at later dates, professional formatted information, etc., then I'd advise you to use your laptop. Year 11's this year will be using Rudd's laptops anyway. But it does depend on your personal preference to learning + recording information. Just remember, a computer can be a much higher distraction than any book in a classroom, so if you do want to use it; make sure it isn't for gaming.
You might also want to consider security. How do you feel carrying a laptop in your school bag? What's the chances of it getting stolen / broken / etc.?
I also find, teachers aren't big fans of them (well at my school anyway), purely because they can't see what you're doing, therefore you get a lot of "What are you doing?" or "We're having a class discussion, laptop screen closed."