Oh jebus. Main round offers come out tonight and I'm still completely unsure about which course I really want to get into :\ my first preference is Design in Visual Communication at UTS which I think I'll get into (atars 90.75 + a shiznit load of bonus points), but just looking at the course structure/subjects.. there's so much content, it almost seems as if you never truly focus on specific skills in depth, but rather learn a little bit about everything.
However, looking at UNSW's combined degree of computer science and digital media, it seems pretty tasty. I really like the look of the course, but assumed knowledge is mathematics extension 1, and I dropped maths in year 10 lmao. Will I struggle without that and without a bridging course?
Sorry, this is mainly venting, I guess I do have a few questions though. I'm looking to go into any creative career - anything - graphic design, creative departments within advertising, any type of media, film, special effects departments. Creating something everyday is the dream :l I did manage to get into art express/band 6 for v.a, so hopefully I have enough skill to get somewhere. but im not counting on it.
What course would you take out of those two between UTS and UNSW? Do you recommend anything? Should I take that first offer, even though I'm not completely sure about it? Is it worth changing my preferences after main offers and hoping for the best?
Transfering between courses is kind of out of the question for me, since I don't get Hecs help, I'll be paying student contribution every year (I only get 7 subsidised years)
Sorry for the wall of text and endless stream of questions. Thanks for your time if you read that entire thing lmao
However, looking at UNSW's combined degree of computer science and digital media, it seems pretty tasty. I really like the look of the course, but assumed knowledge is mathematics extension 1, and I dropped maths in year 10 lmao. Will I struggle without that and without a bridging course?
Sorry, this is mainly venting, I guess I do have a few questions though. I'm looking to go into any creative career - anything - graphic design, creative departments within advertising, any type of media, film, special effects departments. Creating something everyday is the dream :l I did manage to get into art express/band 6 for v.a, so hopefully I have enough skill to get somewhere. but im not counting on it.
What course would you take out of those two between UTS and UNSW? Do you recommend anything? Should I take that first offer, even though I'm not completely sure about it? Is it worth changing my preferences after main offers and hoping for the best?
Transfering between courses is kind of out of the question for me, since I don't get Hecs help, I'll be paying student contribution every year (I only get 7 subsidised years)
Sorry for the wall of text and endless stream of questions. Thanks for your time if you read that entire thing lmao
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