some.... out of all the people i know, the only successful LD relationships i can remember lasting were where both people moved to canberra. (or the canberra person moved back home)
yeah, totally agree, its a big time commitment & pressure on both people. The fact of the matter is that both people will be doing their own things, and (despite planning) you'll have you're own stuff to do in canberra = overall too little time to travel to see eachother.
agreed, i assume tlodg is under 21, probably has had a limited number of partners? imho you're young, and should be free, i dont really see the point on putting pressure on yourself and your partner over something so trivial at such a young age. Sorry to burst your bubble.
I'll be honest, i dont see anything we say having any effect on your decision.

I remember having this argument with a girl in college about it. She was like "WE LOVE EACHOTHER AND THATS ALL THAT MATTERS". 6 months later they broke up, i wasnt surprised, but i didnt tell her that though