NSW State Election Campaign discussion (1 Viewer)

2011 NSW Election 2PP poll: Coalition or Labor?

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Chemical Ali

지금은 소녀시대
Feb 22, 2006
This is a thread for making fun of both major parties' campaigns from now til the election.

Let's start with the obvious:


Ok first it's called the "Fairness for Families Act", which makes it sound like they got some kind of focus group to choose a name that would appeal to bogans. Laws should not be named like supermarket promotions, it's just wrong.

Secondly, does the name imply that it's unfair for singles, couples without children and the elderly? Probably, but those groups never existed at election time anyway, lol

To the substance of it:

(1) Ban rises above inflation.
Can they even do this? Like can they interfere with what the banks do to this extent? Anyway obviously this is meant to make it easier to pay off your mortgage. Or easier to get a mortgage. Coz, you know, making it easier to get mortgages didn't just cause a global financial crisis or anything like that, right?

(2) Cap public transport fares
Pretty apathetic about this, except to say that if PT runs at an even bigger loss than it already does, where is the money going to be stripped from to keep it going? Probably health and education, lol. Or maybe they could have a levy.

(3) Stop the sale of sydney water
This is a typical labor smear campaign to imply the evil liberals are going to sell off all the state's assets. Even though they already said they won't.

(4) Annual power rebate for households under $150k
This one makes me rage the hardest. You don't have to be a free market advocate to see why this is incredibly retarded. In fact not only is it economically stupid it manages to be anti-environment all at once by encouraging people to consume more power.

May 20, 2009
The Pub
i have seen nothing related to either campaigns so far

then again i havent watched the telly for 3 weeks

but hahahahaha holy fuck
fuck labor


Active Member
Aug 3, 2008
I think we can make fun of the Greens campaign as well. 1) That stupid zombies and vampires ad was nothing shy of embarrassing. 2) This "we don't need an official leader" nonsense is all very cute but this is the biggest chance they're ever going to get to hack into the left base, they need to look mainstream, plausible, strong. I think at the time of Rhiannon's resignation, when they declined to appoint a new leader Iron linked the "never want to grow up" song from Peter Pan. It was an apt call from the defender of the faith.

Chemical Ali

지금은 소녀시대
Feb 22, 2006
I think we can make fun of the Greens campaign as well. 1) That stupid zombies and vampires ad was nothing shy of embarrassing. 2) This "we don't need an official leader" nonsense is all very cute but this is the biggest chance they're ever going to get to hack into the left base, they need to look mainstream, plausible, strong. I think at the time of Rhiannon's resignation, when they declined to appoint a new leader Iron linked the "never want to grow up" song from Peter Pan. It was an apt call from the defender of the faith.
i haven't seen this, but,

May 20, 2009
The Pub
Matthew Goodwin you weigh 170 kilograms. When medicare is abolished, if you arent poor because you are too fat to work, you will have amazingly high health insurance premiums. It will be hilarious.
Feb 12, 2011
Matthew Goodwin you weigh 170 kilograms. When medicare is abolished, if you arent poor because you are too fat to work, you will have amazingly high health insurance premiums. It will be hilarious.
and you have got this very reliable information from some pathetic stalker that goes to sydney uni

get back to shovelling shit asshole


Active Member
Aug 3, 2008
Someone tell me who to vote for. They both seem as bad as each other.
I say this as one of this sites leftists lefties. Definitely preference liberal over labor. Not because of Sussex Street or Tripodi or the health system but because of Kenneally. She is the classic factional hack, a product of the machine, forever number crunching and manipulating to protect her own privileges. Nathan Rees was knifed because he tried to box out the union machine and people like Kenneally were disadvantaged by it. A pretty smile doesn't change that.
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Premium Member
Aug 2, 2007
I say this as one of this sites leftists lefties. Definitely preference liberal over labor. Not because of Sussex Street or Tripodi or the health system but because of Kenneally. She is the classic factional hack, a product of the machine, forever number crunching and manipulating to protect her own privileges. Nathan Rees was not knifed because he tried to box out the union machine and people like Kenneally were disadvantaged by it. A pretty smile doesn't change that.
Definitely one of the best posts in this section of the forum for a while.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2008
Definitely one of the best posts in this section of the forum for a while.
I wrote this somewhere on this place shortly after Kenneally took over and Rudd snubbed her. Everyone was saying how lovely she seemed and how mean it was of Rudd. I saved the text but stupidly didn't bookmark it. Still, I think you might appreciate it.
You have go to be kidding. Wind back the clock five minutes and rejoice! Those nasty right wing powerbrokers have been defeated! The allegiances of NSW labor have shifted and now there are two earnest and genuine human beings at the helm of the troubled party who are beginning the road to recover today. Reba Meaghar and Michael Costa have been banished from whence they came and Nathan Rees is riding on his brilliant white stallion along the road to victory. But wait! He’s suddenly paralyzed, why? Because some idiot put a cart before his horse!

Perhaps it has in fact crossed the brilliant minds of the press gallery but just doesn’t make for interesting column inches; it does however make for accurate political insight. They would do well to consider that after replacing Brendan Nelson as leader of the Federal Liberal Party Malcolm Turnbull enjoyed an opinion poll boost, as did Tony Abbott after replacing Malcolm Turnbull. On the Labor side of things Kim Beazley enjoyed an opinion poll boost after succeeding Mark Latham and after succeeding Beazley, Kevin Rudd himself enjoyed one. Then of course Morris Iemma received one after replacing Bob Carr as Premier, Brumby received one after replacing Bracks and yes when Rees was handed the reigns he was initially much more popular than Iemma. But of course this time it’s different, this time Kenealy truly does have that certain something that makes voters tick.

Kristina Keneally will go down as the least popular Premier in history. She represents everything about politics which people despise and mistrust. After the fanfare that followed Rees and Tebbuts apparent defeat of the factions in 2008 her Premiership has been one of the most tragic steps backward in the great parties history. When Rees entered the fray as a Premiership candidate it was the stuff legends were made of: The humble intellectual who worked hard at his job was noticed by some disenchanted men and women and a few weeks later he was undertaking the grueling task of smashing the corrupt bureaucracy that plagued his party.

No greater contrast could be drawn than that between Keneally and her predecessor. Keneally is the two faced, charisma loaded apparatchik that encapsulates all that is despised and mistrusted in modern day politics. Whilst Rees fought like a lion against those who wanted to preserve the current system to protect their privileges Keneally was busy making sure they knew just how little hostility they would receive from her if she ever succeeded him.

Keneally didn’t wake up one morning and find a message on her answering machine from some colleagues begging her to nominate for the party leadership. Her ascent was a three phase operation: Boost her own public profile, beat John Dellabosca and Frank Sartor to the candidature position within her own faction and finally broker her faction into a dominant position in the caucus. A pretty smile and a cool oratorical style doesn’t maketh a good premier.

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