1. I don't dream about ATARs, nor do I have a dream ATAR that would make me jump for joy if I got it. I dream about sex and other stuff, and certain people... but that's a different story.
2. My path to success:
- Everyday that I get home at or before my mum, play music incredibly loud, lie on the floor and do nothing until 6ish. (Usually only thursdays)
- Everyday I have debating meetings/musical practice/MX2/other get home at 6pm and either sleep on or lie on my study floor til around 10ish.
- Play pokemon during half yearlies instead of studying.
- Go to parties all the time, and host my own party the weekend before half yearlies.
- Spend the entire holidays doing shit with friends, getting smashed, going to the footy, etc. making sure to do NO study.
- Go on facebook everyday for at least 5 hours. This is usually after my lying around/sleeping.
- Go to sleep at 2am or later every week night.
- Sleep for most Saturday days, but enjoy the night.

- Don't do homework... Esp. MX2 homework which isn't important at all, and if I did it I wouldn't be coming first. FUCK!
- Have several small children...
- Be a genius and have the ability to use natural ability to get an ATAR in the high 90s with relatively no work and an excellent life.
The last one is probably the most important.