+1. Make sure you guys take some time out to relax and enjoy your holidays! Don't spend them all cooped up in your room studying.dude, it's just started
Welcome to generation Z. We're a hard working bunch.Your all in prelim wtf are you studying for?, you're all going to burn out in the HSC ha!
Laying habits and foundations for the HSC.Why work hard for nothing?
You mean Gen YWelcome to generation Z. We're a hard working bunch.
Developing essay writing skills is also important.Not worth it. Trust me. I worked pretty hard for prelim to no avail. You can develop foundations and habits within the first week of HSC. If anything just do your maths seeing it's a possible 30% of your HSC.
We are I did 3 Chapters of Maths Yesterday and 2 Chapters of Economics.....Feels Great!Welcome to generation Z. We're a hard working bunch.