Woah big class. >.> Bigger than my whole Modern class actually n_n'' Well, mine has umm 1 person, give or take

Nah, just little ol' me, chilling with two teachers. >.> Was awkward at first, but now the two teachers just chill with each other and we have big debates and re-enactments... quite fun actually. But I totally relate to the tuff-love idea, they have to be cruel to be kind. So many essays I've had to do each week, though in the end it's all going to be worth it!
JFK, oh the fun. We have a system, where we draw a school of thought out of a Roman Infantry Helmet (cool eh?) and then debate (in-person) as Historians from those schools of thought about a particular area of debate. It's really lots of fun, great way to learn too! So I've really enjoyed doing JFK, my teachers have made it a really fun case study. We were going to try the Thucydidean Case Study but one of my teachers wasn't confident in teaching it, and it made her a little stressesd, so we stuck to JFK. n_n
Ahh, I love Russian History, would have loved to do your combo of electives for Modern! Too much Germany for my personal liking to be honest, love the National Study, but would have prefered an individual from another region. Oh well.
Yeah the Study Day was great, I thought it was a good revision tool especially for those that have trials coming up. It was a good way to formulate some succinct notes and preparation for the trial hsc exams! Btw, I wish you the best of luck for! Hope studying and preparation is coming along nicely for you! n_n Now, I 'should' be off to prepare for my Ancient Trial on Wednesday, but we'll see how that goes.