I just finished my Preliminary Course for all my subjects and am really keen to study 4U Mathematics but I have some questions. Before I ask, I'll just say, I love Maths, I always have, however I went poorly in my 3U Prelim Yearly Exam, about 40% :l. I know it's bad but I just wanna say that I was an idiot and never studied much. Since then, I've pulled my head and honestly think I'm capable of doing 4U. I'm the only person in my school studying 3U and only get 3 lessons a fortnight. Anyways here are my questions;
1. How different is it to 3U? How much more difficult?
2. Why don't they allow you to sit the 2U Mathematics exam and does 2U still count towards your total unit number?
3. Is it better to blitz 2U or get about 70% in 4U?
4. And finally, do you honestly think I should give it a go?