A: I understood early that in order to be able to work full time with what you want, you
need to gain economical independence. I was not rich at the time and I had to somehow
find a way to earn enough funds to be able to contribute.
Late in 2002 I was working full time as a mid level leader in a customer service company.
At the same time, I started a company that focused on outsourcing of programming
services. It went quite well. And around May 2003 I quit my day job to focus entirely on
my business. The next three years i worked an average 12 hours per day with my
company; E-Commerce Group. At one point I had 6 employees, 2 in Norway, 2 in Russia,
1 in Romania and one in Indonesia. I registered an off shore company and several off
shore bank accounts in order to avoid excessive state taxation (anonymous debit cards
and ATM`s ftw). This way, I could build up funds faster. My initial plan was to earn at
least 5 million, then use the acquired funds to start a pan-European conservative
movement or plan an advanced operation. It started out great and I earned my first mill
(NOK) at the age of 24 which peaked at 4 million, 12 months later. In 2005 and 2006,
recession hit my industry which resulted in lower income margins. As a result I decided
to discontinue my company and instead salvage all the funds I could. The most cost
efficient way of doing this in my country is to file for bankruptcy, which I did. I had now
completed my goal and I had enough funding to proceed with planning of an assault
I spent three years were I focused on writing the compendium, 2083. During a 12 month
period in the beginning, I also played World of Warcraft part time (which had been a
dream for some time – hardcore raiding

. I lived very ascetic and relatively isolated in
this period. These three years would also contribute to detach myself from my “old life”.
It’s a process I used in order to isolate myself from most of my network, in preparation
for the coming operation. I feel that this period was needed in order to completely
”detach myself from “the game”, my “former shallow consumerist lifestyle ” in order to
ensure full focus on the matters at hand.