Nothing is real.
It's all a lie.
The media
it's the media
always the media
Whats real, what isn't real.
these words are not real
this room is everywhere, yet it is nowhere. It is everything and it is nothing.
the four horsemen approach
the sky bleeds
oprah winfrey
the media....they're poisoning our water
the media
all on the media.
Xenu save us all.
It's all a lie.
The media
it's the media
always the media
Whats real, what isn't real.
these words are not real
this room is everywhere, yet it is nowhere. It is everything and it is nothing.
the four horsemen approach
the sky bleeds
oprah winfrey
the media....they're poisoning our water
the media
all on the media.
Xenu save us all.