Lol, actually, the Sylvia poems are overdone and generally not advised as students easily fall into the trap of talking about the Hughes-Plath relationship. By all means, go ahead and do it but remember your response has to focus on the nature of 'conflicting perspectives'. Generally, if you want to do a second related text based on the H/P relationship, it has to be 'wow', different and sophisticated, particularly if you are doing Sylvia's poems. I will admit that my preferred related (the one I will do if they ask us only to use one), is on the H/P relationship... but it is quite 'wow', different, and every marker I've had has loved it

So, if you know you are able to analyse it well, and actually understand the meaning of this elective/the nature of 'conflicting perspectives', do it - it will impress your marker, who probably sits there and groans at a trite H/P essay every fifteen minutes.
Also, if the movie is generally considered 'garbage', I suggest not using it unless you are preparing to critique its bias. I personally don't know it, but the marker probably will, and
unless you are actually suggesting in your response the movie is crap (it's okay to do this, I criticise the composer of my H/P related), the marker will know you are bs'ing a crap text.